Use your Genesys Cloud Voice usage report for internal cost accounting

You can use your Genesys Cloud Voice usage report to assist with internal cost accounting. 

Download your usage report

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Subscription.
  3. On the Billing & Usage page, click Download Usage Report.
  4. On the View Reports window, select the Cloud Voice tab.
  5. Choose a Date Range.
  6. Click Generate Report.
    • Check your Downloads folder for the .csv file that contains your report.

    If you need more information on the data contained in the report, you can investigate this table which describes each column in the report.

    This report tracks your organization's consumption of Genesys Cloud Voice services, including information about call origin and destination, and the type of call.

    Example Genesys Cloud Voice Usage report

    Field Description
    SIP Call Id

    Unique identifier for the call used for verification and troubleshooting purposes


    Originating or Calling Party


    Destination or Called Party

    Usage Group

    Internal identifier for call type used along with Call Type and Direction to determine Usage Rate for the call

    Usage Group Display

    Long name for the Usage Group

    Call Type

    Specific detail of the type of call placed used to determine the rate for the call


    The call direction, either Inbound or Outbound, from the Genesys Cloud customer's perspective

    Start time

    Metered start of the call

    End Time

    Metered end of the call

    Duration (Seconds)

    Call duration to the second

    Adjusted Duration (seconds)

    PCV rounds to the nearest 6-second increment

    Adjusted Duration (minutes)

    Duration represented in minutes

    Usage Rate Per Minute

    Metered rate for the call (For more information, see Genesys Cloud Voice pricing.)

    Note: If you are participating in the Telco Commit program, the discounted rate appears in this column.

    Total cost

    Usage rate x Adjusted duration (minutes)


    Currency the call is rated in

    Rate Sheet

    Corresponds to the Rate Sheet used to arrive at the Usage Rate

    Calculate your internal cost allocation

    After you download your Genesys Cloud Voice usage report, you can use it to calculate your internal cost allocation.

    1. Open the report in your spreadsheet application and enable the Filter feature.
    2. Filter the Direction column by Inbound.
    3. Sort by the Destination column.
    4. Use the Sum feature on the Total Cost column for each Destination grouping.
    5. Filter the Direction column by Outbound.
    6. Sort by the Origin column.
    7. Use the Sum feature on the Total Cost column for each Origin grouping.