Use the extension points to customize click-to-dial
You can use the extension points to customize click-to-dial behavior in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce. The extension points use the Salesforce Apex programming language.
- A version of the managed package that includes the Extension Point Settings section. For more information, see Configure extension points.
In Salesforce, create a single Apex file with an Apex class that implements the purecloud.CTIExtension.ClickToDial interface. Define the Apex class as global so the code can be called by the integration.
purecloud.CTIExtension.ClickToDial interface
Contains a method signature that you can define to customize the click-to-dial functionality in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.
To define how the click-to-dial functionality works, use the method signature in the purecloud.CTIExtension.ClickToDial interface.
onClickToDial method
Initiates a phone call or an SMS message.
When Salesforce alerts the client about a click-to-dial event, the client performs the click-to-dial event based on parameters in your Apex code. The method can return data that changes the default click-to-dial behavior.
If the Apex code triggers an exception, then the integration performs the default click-to-dial behavior. If no value is returned, then the integration suppresses the click-to-dial behavior.
Input properties
The following properties are included in the JSON data that is passed to the method.
Name | Data type | Description | Notes |
number | String | Phone number that the integration calls. | |
object | String | Type of object such as a contact or an account in Salesforce. | |
objectId | String | ID of a relevant object such as a contact or an account to auto-associate with an activity. | objectId is only for a single record. |
objectName | String | Name of the record in Salesforce. |
Output properties
The following properties are supported in the JSON data returned from the method.
Name | Data type | Description | Notes |
number | String | See Input properties table. | |
object | String | See Input properties table. | |
objectId | String | See Input properties table. | |
objectName | String | See Input properties table. | |
attributes | Object | Key-value pairs of attributes to add to the interaction. | |
queueId | String | ID of the queue to make a call on behalf of. | |
autoPlace | Boolean | Integration automatically places a call (true), or the integration populates the Name or Number box with the phone number (false). | |
type | String | Type of interaction. |
Valid values: call, sms. If no type is provided, defaults to call. |
callerIdName | String | Name displayed to recipients of your phone calls. | |
callerId | String | Phone number displayed to recipients of your phone calls. | |
associations | Array | List of Salesforce records to add to the Name or Related To box in the client. | |
utilizationLabelId | String | Categorizes the conversation. Maximum utilization settings can be configured at a per-label level. | The agent must be on queue or the queueId field must be populated for the label to display. |
For more information, see Click-to-dial, Configure click-to-dial, and Create click-to-dial on custom Visualforce pages.
- Define the Apex class as global so the code can be called by the integration.
- If you implement more than one extension point (or interface), place them all in the same Apex file.
global class MyCTIExtensions implements purecloud.CTIExtension.ClickToDial {
public String onClickToDial(String data) {
// Example: Specify On Behalf of Queue, Caller ID, Utilization Label, and Name for click-to-dial.
Map<String, Object> clickToDialData = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(data);
clickToDialData.put('queueId', '04a183b6-de9e-4c01-9e88-eabxxxxxad0d');
clickToDialData.put('callerIdName', 'John Smith');
clickToDialData.put('callerId', '+13175550123');
clickToDialData.put('utilizationLabelId', '62f1e0d5-cb8e-4cf7-9049-53dfb00d1983');
return JSON.serialize(clickToDialData);
For more information, see Extension points in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.
For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.