Series: Install and configure the Speechmorphing integration

Activate and configure the Speech Morphing integration


To connect to the Speech Morphing site and to set the source code, ensure you have the credentials provided by Speech Morphing, Inc. 

To access the Speech Morphing text-to-speech (TTS) engine in Genesys Cloud, you must first add and configure the Speech Morphing integration and then add your credentials. Use the source code credentials to complete this set up.

Important: If you change the credentials for this integration, you must uninstall and reinstall the integration.

To configure the Speechmorphing integration, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Integrations, click Integrations.
  3. Click  Integration.
  4. Search for or navigate to the Speech Morphing integration. 
  5. In the Speech Morphing tile, click Install.
    Note: A message appears, informing you that the integration installed successfully. The Speech Morphing integration opens to the Details tab.
  6. Click the Configuration tab.
  7. Under Properties, enter the following source code:
    • Domain ID
    • Project ID
    • Base API URL
  8. Add the credentials:
    1. Click Credentials.
    2. Click Configure. The Configure Credentials dialog box opens.
    3. Enter the appropriate user name and password. 
      Note: The user name is the source code login provided by Speech Morphing, Inc.
    4. Confirm the password.
    5. Click OK.
  9. Click Save.
  10. To activate the Speech Morphing integration, in the Status column click Inactive. The Change Status dialog box opens.
  11. Click Yes. The Speech Morphing status changes to Active.

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