Queues views overview

Use the Queues views to see queue performance data, including activity and metrics. To access these views, click Performance > Workspace > Queues. Queues views include the following related views.

Multiple queues summary views

These views show information about multiple queues. You can use filters to customize which queues the views show.

Single queue detail views

Click a queue’s name in any of the summary views to see detailed information about that queue. These detail views show information about a single queue. You can view aggregate data for multiple selected queues in some views. 

Queues views for agents

Agents can see the current activity for the queues in which they are members. 

Note: Each view has its own permissions. For permission requirements, see each view’s article.

Customize the views

Where applicable, you can customize these views to show only certain data. For example, you can arrange to see only some columns or only some queues. Your customizations remain as you navigate from view to view or leave and return to a view. You can also save your filter and column settings as a saved view to quickly switch between different data of interest in the same view. And you can reset a view to default column settings. For more information about the customizations available in each view, see each view’s article. 

Customizations available include:

  • media type
  • date
  • showing or hiding columns
  • rearranging columns
  • filtering by queue name
  • filtering by interaction details such as skills and languages
    Note: Real-time updates stop while any interaction detail filters in the Filters pane are active.