View aggregate performance data

View summary data for a group of users in select agents performance detail views, for a group of queues in the Queues Performance Detail view, and DNIS numbers in the DNIS Performance Detail view. 

View aggregate data for a group of users

  1. Click Performance > Workspace > Agents
  2. From the Agents Performance Summary view in the Filter user(s) field, search for and select users for which you want to see data. 
  3. Near the list of users you selected, click View as group. Genesys Cloud displays the Agents Performance Detail view with aggregate data for the users you selected.
  4. To display the Agents Status Summary Detail view with aggregate data for the users you selected, click the Statuses summary tab. 
  5. To display the Agents Interactions Detail view with aggregate data for the users you selected, click the Interactions tab. 
  6. To customize the view to show only certain data, use the view’s filter and column customization options. For more information about a view’s customization options, see the Customize the view section in the article for that view. 
  7. To save the view so you can quickly return to the same group and view, click Save .
Note: You cannot activate or deactivate agents for queues while the detail views show agent group aggregate data.

View aggregate data for a group of queues

  1. Click Performance > Workspace > Queues.
  2. From the Queues Performance Summary view in the Filter queue(s) field, search for and select queues for which you want to see data.
  3. Near the list of queues you selected, click View as group. Genesys Cloud displays the Queues Performance Detail view with aggregate data for the queues you selected. 
  4. To customize the view to show only certain data, use the view’s filter and column customization options. For more information about a view’s customization options, see the Customize the view section in Queues Performance Detail view
  5. To export the aggregate data in view, click Export .
  6. To save the view so you can quickly return to the same group and view, click Save 
Note: You cannot view the Abandon metric detail view from the Queue Performance Detail view with aggregate data. 

View aggregate data for multiple DNIS numbers

  1. Click Performance > Workspace Contact Center DNIS Performance.
  2. On the DNIS Performance Summary view, in the Filter by full DNIS field, search for and select multiple DNIS numbers.
  3. Near the list of DNIS numbers you selected, click View as group. Genesys Cloud displays the DNIS Performance Detail view with aggregate data for the DNIS numbers you selected. 
  4. To see the most current data, click Refresh . This view does not update automatically. 
  5. To save the view with your filter and column settings, click Save .
  6. To export the data in the view, click Export .