Test your media settings

If your computer and system meet all the Genesys Cloud requirements and you have issues with the Genesys Cloud WebRTC phone, then test your settings and check the following information.

  • The Genesys Cloud WebRTC phone only works in the desktop app or in the Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge Chromium browsers for the web app
  • Check that you have selected the correct phone. Contact your IT department or administrator if you do not have a Genesys Cloud WebRTC phone or do not know which phone to select.

Test your settings

  1. In the Calls panel, click the Settings icon.
  2. In the Audio Controls section, review the audio device profile selection in the list.

  3. To run diagnostic tests, click DiagnosticsThe Phone Settings section populates the progress and results of the diagnostics tests.

    1. To view band statistics, click Show Bandwidth Stats.
    2. Place a test call to your voicemail.
    3. To go back to the Audio Controls section, click back.
  4. To review selections made in the Preferences window, click Device Volumes. On the Sound tab, review the audio settings.
    1. Review the audio device profile selection, if necessary.
    2. Review the volume settings for calls, phone ringer, chat notifications, and interaction notifications for the selected device.
    3. Reset all settings, if necessary.
    4. To review the mic settings, click Advanced Mic Settings.
  5. To review the notifications and video settings, click the respective tab in the Preferences window.
  6. If the test indicates any issues, then use the next section for solutions. 

Common issues and solutions

For issues with… Try this…
  • Check your microphone’s connection.
  • Check your microphone’s volume and settings on your computer.
  • If you have more than one microphone connected to your computer, then use the phone settings to choose a different microphone. 
  • Unmute the microphone in the call controls.
  • Shut down or block other applications from using the microphone.
  • Allow your browser to use your microphone.
  • Verify that you have set advanced microphone settings correctly for your environment. For more information, see Set Genesys Cloud sound level preferences.

  • Check your speaker’s volume and settings on your computer.
  • If you have more than one speaker connected to your computer, then use the phone settings to choose a different speaker.
  • Shut down or block other applications from using your speakers.
  • If you are connected to a VPN, then disconnect from the VPN.
  • Use a wired connection instead of a wireless one.
  • Hang up and connect again.
  • Inform your IT department of a connectivity problem.
Placing or receiving calls
  • Clear your browser’s cache.
  • If you are on the web browser app, then log out and back in.
  • If you are on the desktop app, then quit and restart the app.
  • Switch browsers or to the desktop app, depending on which you using. 

If these solutions do not work, then contact your IT department.