Genesys Cloud Archive - January 2024

List of the Genesys Cloud release notes published in January 2024.
January 31, 2024

Customer engagement

  • Transfer APIs and associated permissions
  • Client Credential Flow (CCF) authentication support for SMTP integrations
  • Support for multiple external email participants

Data, analytics, and reporting

  • Architect Flow Insights toggle for bot and digital bot flows
  • Improved accuracy of Irish street names in English native voice transcription

Open platform

  • Update agent preferred name via public API
  • Asia Pacific satellite region deployment

Self service and automation

  • Search for a knowledge base article by ID in Architect

Workforce engagement

  • Support for disputed evaluations on gamification metrics scorecards

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January 24, 2024

Data analytics and reporting

  • Improved native voice transcription accuracy for Japanese

Employee productivity

  • Enhancement of inactivity timeout in embedded clients

Open platform

  • Osaka, UAE, and Zurich region deployments

Workforce engagement

  • Suppress recording when a call is on hold

Deprecations and announcements

  • Deprecation: Legacy ACD web chat
  • Deprecation: Google Agent Assist for Genesys Cloud
  • Deprecation: Legacy co-browse and screenshare

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January 17, 2024

Customer engagement

  • Advanced input file pre-processing
  • Additional file format support for contact lists

Open platform

  • Portuguese language support

Self service and automation

  • Historical execution data for Architect bot flows and digital bot flows

Workforce engagement

  • Workforce management navigation menu grouping
  • Staffing requirements and performance metrics in the Schedules screen

Deprecations and announcements

  • Deprecation: Legacy alerting system

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January 10, 2024

Customer engagement

  • Improved digital agent-to-agent transfer
  • Increased number of outcomes limit

Data, analytics and reporting

  • Sensitive data masking French and Italian language support
  • View daily agent login and logout activity for multiple agents
  • Enable/disable evaluation and survey data in Interactions and My Interactions views
  • Analytics user interface enhancements
  • Introducing external contacts and external organizations filters and columns in performance views

Self service and automation

  • Architect data tables user interface updates
  • Triggers UI improvements

Workforce engagement

  • Change agent schedulable status from the Agents view
  • Change daily values and distribution forecast modification type

Deprecations and announcements

  • Deprecation: Removal of consult transfer controls from the interaction window in Genesys Cloud embedded clients

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