Genesys Cloud - February 12, 2020

Contact center

Agentless SMS notifications

Genesys Cloud customers can now send SMS notifications using an API call. This feature enables customers to send SMS notifications from backend systems through Genesys Cloud APIs, or from an Architect flow or script using a data action. For more information, see Agentless SMS notifications.

SMS number purchase for countries that require supporting documentation

Due to recent regulation changes, certain countries require supporting documentation to purchase SMS numbers. For these countries, a manual purchase procedure is necessary. For more information, see Required regulatory documentation for SMS number purchase.

Exclude IP addresses in Predictive Engagement web tracking

Predictive Engagement administrators can now exclude IP addresses from generated web events. For example, administrators may not want to track visits from internal users. This enhancement helps improve the accuracy of tracking-related metrics. For more information, see Exclude IP addresses in Web tracking

New wrap-up code columns in agent interactions views

Contact center supervisors and managers can now view additional wrap-up code statistics in agent interactions views. The new statistics, % Handle and % Total Handle, give supervisors and managers a better understanding of how agents are handling their interactions. For more information, see Wrap-Up Performance Summary viewAgents Wrap-Up Detail view, and Agents Wrap-Up Interval Detail view.

Interactions views improvement

Contact center managers and supervisors can now copy an interaction’s conversation ID from interactions views to the clipboard for filtering and sharing. For more information, see Interactions viewAgents Interactions Detail view, and Queues Interactions Detail view.

Export view custom participant attributes

Contact center managers and supervisors can now export custom participant attributes for interactions. Managers can share the exported file with others in the contact center and use it to further analyze contact center performance. For more information, see Export view data.

Export view data locale setting

Contact center managers and supervisors can now select a locale setting that displays text, date, and time formats in their selected language when exporting data from a view. Managers can share the exported file with others in the contact center and use it to further analyze contact center performance. For more information, see Export view data.


Azure Active Directory for Genesys Cloud SCIM

The Azure Active Directory app for Genesys Cloud now provides automated user provisioning for Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management). For more information, see Configure Azure Active Directory for Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management) and About Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Managment) in the Resource Center, and Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management) overview in the Developer Center.

Generic single sign-on provider

Genesys Cloud now supports a generic identity provider configuration that enables customers to integrate with most identity providers that support SAML 2.0. For more information, see Add a generic single sign-on provider.