Genesys Cloud - February 19, 2016


New features and functionality

  • Bulk role assignment tool
    • Admins can now assign multiple users to a role at one time. Refer to the Assign roles article for details.


Genesys Cloud for Salesforce

  • Support person accounts.
  • Support multiple regions.
  • Make call on behalf of queue.
  • Auto-associate who and what on custom click-to-dial.
  • Type ahead search for users and queues when placing or transferring calls.
  • Stats on queues before placing or transferring call to queue.
  • Advanced activity attribute mapping to map interaction attributes to Salesforce attributes.
  • Customize display of interaction details.

Genesys Cloud for Zendesk

  • Support multiple regions.
  • Make call on behalf of queue. 
  • Type ahead search for users and queues when placing or transferring calls.
  • Show stats on queues before placing or transferring call to queue.