Genesys Cloud - August 10, 2016

Contact center

Inbox support for time off requests

Agents now receive approval and denial notifications for time off requests in their inbox. For more information, see View time off notifications in the inbox.

Policy-based recording of email interactions

Engage now supports policy-based recording of email interactions. Quality management policies specify matching criteria for the email interactions. The policies also determine if a recording should be retained or deleted, and the time and date to archive or delete the recording. As with call and web chat recordings, policies can assign recordings for quality evaluation or calibration. For more information, see Create a recording policy.

Option to override default retention behavior for recording policies that conflict

By default, when the retention and deletion criteria in two or more recording policies overlap, Genesys Cloud retains the recording. For example, if one policy retains a recording and another policy deletes the recording, then Genesys Cloud retains the recording. 

A new option is available to override the default behavior and delete recordings, even if there are conflicting policies. For more information, see Create a recording policy.


Genesys Cloud for Customer Interaction Center (CIC) integration 

The Genesys Cloud for CIC integration enables a CIC administrator to set up a paired Genesys Cloud environment in Interaction Administrator. In the Genesys Cloud Directory view in the CIC client, CIC users can see all Genesys Cloud and CIC users in a single directory and view user information and statuses. CIC users can call, transfer calls to, and conference with other CIC users, as well as Genesys Cloud-only users that use Genesys Cloud for telephony services. For more information, see Genesys Cloud for CIC.

Custom actions for web services data dip connector

An administrator who defines data actions can now create custom action schemas that the web services data dip connector can use for a more flexible exchange of data with third-party systems. An IVR call flow designer can define how call flows process the data. For more information, see Use bridge actions in Architect for the web services data dip connector.