View time-off notifications in the inbox


The following permissions:

  • Workforce Management > Time Off Request > Notify (for administrators)
  • Workforce Management > Agent Time Off Request > Submit (for agents)

Genesys Cloud sends time-off requests to your inbox. If a time-off plan is configured, administrators can view notifications for time-off requests that require manual approval. The system does not send notifications for time-off requests that the system approved automatically. Agents can view their own time-off requests only. 

Note: Agents can view their workforce management schedules and submit or view time-off requests from an Android device or iOS device. To download the mobile application, Genesys Tempo™, see Mobile apps for workforce management schedules.

For more information about managing schedules, time-off requests, and settings in a mobile app, see:

To view time-off requests in your inbox, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Inbox icon in the sidebar on the left side of the page.
  2. Select the Time-Off Requests icon.
    Note: A list of each time-off request shows in descending order by the reviewed date.
  3. To mark the request as read, click More and then select Mark as Read.
  4. To view information about the request on the Time-Off Requests page, do one of the following:
    • Click the notification.
    • Next to the notification, click More and then click View Details

Agent inbox

Following is an example of an agent’s time-off requests.

Admin inbox

Following is an example of time-off requests from agents that require approval or denial. 

If a time-off plan is configured, administrators can view notifications for time-off requests that require manual approval. If no time-off plan is configured, no notifications are sent. For more information about time-off requests, see Work with time-off requests.