Why doesn’t Genesys Cloud adhere to the Max Dial Timeout value I set for my external trunk?

There are multiple places in Genesys Cloud where you can set a timeout value and each one affects a call. For example, in addition to being able to set a timeout value at the trunk level, you can set timeout values for the organization and even at each user’s phone. And, the lowest value always takes precedence. In other words, a lower timeout value at another location in the call flow overrides the Max Dial Timeout value you set for your external trunk.

At the trunk level: There can be multiple trunks in a call flow, each with its own Max Dial Timeout value. So, if you set your external trunk’s Max Dial Timeout value to 240 seconds, but another trunk in the call flow has a value of 120 seconds, the call times out after 120 seconds. For more information, see External trunk settings

At the phone level, if your external trunk’s Max Dial Timeout value is set to 30 seconds and the phone’s Timeout Seconds value is set to 59 seconds, the call times out in 30 seconds. For more information, see Assign a default phone.

The organization’s timeout value usually won’t have an effect because it is by default overridden by the phone’s timeout value. For more information, see Set an automatic inactivity timeout.