Which entities are masked?

Under PCI (Payment Card Industry) data, Genesys Cloud masks the following entities:

  • Credit card and debit card numbers [card number]
  • Card expiration date [card expiry date]
  • Card Verification Value (CVV) or Card Identification (CID) number, a three-digit or four-digit number printed on the front or back of the card [card number]
  • Person name [card number]

Under PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data, Genesys Cloud masks the following entities:

  • User information such as usernames [user info]
  • Phone number [phone]
  • Email address [email]
  • Person name [name]
  • Zip or postal code [postal code]
  • Passwords [user info]
  • Locations [location]
  • National Identification Number [national id]
  • Other PII such as license plate number and bank account number [personal info]

  • Person name is classified as PCI if it appears in proximity to a credit card. Otherwise, it is considered as PII.
  • Locations encompass countries, cities, and addresses.
  • The coverage for National Identification Number includes only the following countries:
    • Australia
    • Canada
    • UK
    • US


Currently, you can turn on/off PCI and PII data masking using the following two toggles, but you cannot select which individual entities to mask:

  • Sensitive Data Masking for Payment Cards
  • Sensitive Data Masking for Personal Information