What happens to an agent’s schedule and history if they move business units?

When you move an agent from one business unit to another, the schedule and adherence information remains with the original business unit. This process allows the supervisor to view the agent in the same spot on the schedule before they moved business units, for historical purposes. After the agent moves to another business unit, any new schedule and adherence information exist under the new business unit.

If an agent moves between management units in the same business unit, adherence and schedule information will still be accessible.

If an entire management unit is moved to a new business unit, it has the same effect as moving all of those agents to a new business unit. A read only copy of schedules and adherence are kept with the old business unit, any new schedule and adherence information will exist under the new management unit.

Time off requests, however, move with the agent to the new management unit. Time off requests are specific to agents, not management units, and should follow the agent with the move.