Work with common module flows

Use the common modules flow type to build logic once and then reuse it in multiple flows and flow types. You can configure the common module flow for use across all flow types. For example, you can create a task that checks a customer balance, and then reuse that process in several call flows and chat flows. Common modules accept input data, return output data, and interact with calls. Incorporating common module flows into the flow design process reduces the need to replicate flow logic in multiple flows and decreases development time and effort.

  • If you reference a common module flow in another published flow, you cannot delete the common module flow.
  • You cannot use a common module flow in another common module flow.
  • The system uses third-party text-to-speech settings from the consuming flow. You cannot configure these settings in common module flows.
  • Common module flows have a lower size limit than other flow types.

Share common actions and data types with compatible flow types

Common module flows enable you to share common action and data types across flows. However, you cannot share flow-specific actions across different flow types. If you select multiple flow types, the system limits actions and data types to ones that the different flow types share.

For example, you can use a Send Auto Reply action in email flows but not call flows. Therefore, if you select common module compatibility for email and call flows, the Send Auto Reply action does not appear. If you only choose email flow compatibility, then all actions available in email flows appear for use in the common module flow.

Common module versioning

Architect snapshots the common module into the consuming flow. To incorporate changes in a common module, you must republish the consuming flow. When you use a common module in another flow, Architect uses the most recent version of the common module flow. If you publish a new version of the common module, republish the calling flow to pick up the changes to the common module.

To use an older version of a common module, first publish the consuming flow and then create a new version of the common module. The consuming flow continues to use the older version of the common module until you republish the consuming flow. To view common module flow versions, use dependency tracking to view the version numbers. 

To help familiarize yourself with common module flows, review the following pages:

Page Features you can configure

Create a common module flow

Learn how to create and configure a common module flow in Architect. 

Set up default action settings

Change the default action settings for the common module flow.

Reuse common logic in multiple flows

After you create a common module flow, use it in a compatible flow type.

Add input and output variables to common module flows

Define input and output variables from the Data menu in addition to relevant actions in the toolbox.

Work with expressions

Use expressions to build sophisticated and complex flow calculations by selecting variables and operators.

Task and state editor actions

Read about the available actions you can use when building a task. 

Note: Common module flows enable you to share common action and data types across flows. However, you cannot share actions that are not available to the calling flow type. 

About Architect

Find more information on flows, including configuring default settings; managing flows; dependency searches; flow design resources; and tips, best practices, and troubleshooting. 

Architect permissions overview

Read about how Architect permissions are based on flow design tasks, or job functions. An administrator from the Genesys Cloud organization must assign the appropriate permissions to an Architect user. 

The actions that appear here depend on the compatible flow types you select when you create the common module flow. For more information, see Task and state editor actions.