Architect permissions overview

Architect bases permissions on flow design tasks or job functions. An administrator from the Genesys Cloud organization must assign the appropriate permissions to an Architect user. 

Note: It can take up to five minutes for permission updates to make their way through Genesys Cloud and take effect.

Architect access permissions

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > UI View

Access the Architect user interface.

Architect bot flow permission

This permission Allows these actions

Analytics > botFlowReportingTurn > View

Read bot flow reporting turn data.

Architect data table permissions

This table lists the permissions that pertain to Architect data tables. 

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > Datable Row > Add

Add a data table row.

Architect > Datable Row > Delete

Delete a data table row.

Architect > Datable Row > Edit

Edit a data table row.

Architect > Datable Row > View

View a data table row.

Architect > Datatable > Add

Add a data table.

Architect > Datatable > Delete

Delete a data table.

Architect > Datatable > Edit

Edit a data table.

Architect > Datatable > Search

Search for a data table.

Architect > Datatable > View

View a data table.

Architect dependency tracking permissions

This table lists the permissions that pertain to Architect dependency tracking. 

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > Dependency Tracking > Rebuild

Rebuild dependency tracking information.

Architect > Dependency Tracking > View

Work with dependency tracking and view dependency tracking status.

Architect flow execution permissions

This table lists the permissions that pertain to Architect flow execution. 

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > Flow Execution > View

View Architect flow execution.

Architect flow instance permissions

 This table lists the permissions that pertain to Architect flow instances.

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > Flow Instance > View

View a flow instance.

Architect > Flow Instance > Search

Search for a flow instance.

Architect > Flow Default Log Level > Delete

Delete flow default log levels.

Architect > Flow Default Log Level > Edit

Edit flow default log levels.

Architect > Flow Default Log Level > View

View flow default log levels.

Architect > Flow Log Level > Add

Add log levels for specific flows.

Architect > Flow Log Level > Delete

Delete log levels for specific flows.

Architect > Flow Log Level > Edit

Edit log levels for specific flows.

Architect > Flow Log Level > View

View log levels for specific flows.

Architect > Flow Instance Execution Data > Edit

Edit the flow instance execution data settings.

Architect > Flow Instance Execution Data > View

View the flow instance execution data settings.

Architect flow milestone and flow outcome permissions

This table lists the permissions that pertain to Architect flow milestones and outcomes. 

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > Flow Milestone Add

Add a flow milestone.

Architect > Flow Milestone > Delete

Delete a flow milestone.

Architect > Flow Milestone Edit

Edit a flow milestone.

Architect > Flow Milestone Search

Search for a flow milestone.

Architect > Flow Milestone View

View a flow milestone.

Architect > Flow Outcome Add

Add a flow outcome.

Architect > Flow Outcome Edit

Edit a flow outcome.

Architect > Flow Outcome Search

Search for a flow outcome.

Architect > Flow Outcome View

View a flow outcome.

Architect flow permissions

This table lists the permissions that pertain to all Architect flow types. 

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > Flow Add

Add a new flow of any type.

Architect > Flow Delete

Delete a flow of any type, and any previous versions of the flow. Users cannot delete flows that are:

  • Locked by another user.
  • Associated with an IVR configuration.
  • Consumed by another resource (for example, another flow or a script).

Architect > Flow Edit

Edit any flow type, including lock, check in, save, save as, export, and discard unsaved changes.

Architect > Flow Launch

Launch an instance of any flow type. This action creates a flow execution.

Architect > Flow > Publish

Publish and unpublish previous versions of any flow type.

Architect > Flow > Search

Obtain information about published flows to which you can transfer using the Transfer to Flow or Transfer to Secure Flow actions.

Architect > Flow > Unlock

Unlock a flow that another user currently locks.

Architect > Flow > View

View information for flows, view an individual flow and flow history, and export a flow.

Architect Natural Language Understanding (NLU) intent permissions

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > flowIntent > Add

Access to the Intent button and the ability to import from the intent miner.

Architect > flowIntent > Edit

Access to the Edit Intent button and the ability to modify intents.

Architect > flowIntent > Delete

Access to the Delete Intent button and the ability to remove intents from the flow.

Architect Natural Language Understanding (NLU) utterance permissions

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > flowIntentUtterance > Add

  • Access to the New Utterance box and the Add Utterance button.
  • The ability to import from the intent miner.

Architect > flowIntentUtterance > Edit

Utterances view:

  • Access to the Edit Utterance button and the ability to edit utterances.
  • The ability to map slots to utterances, add a new slot to an utterance, remove slot mapping from utterances, and mute utterances.

Utterance Confusion view:

  • The ability to drag and drop.
  • Access to the Move button and the ability to move utterances.
  • The ability to edit utterance input.

Architect > flowIntentUtterance > Delete

Utterances and Utterance Confusion view:

  • Access to the Delete Utterance button and the ability to remove utterances from the flow.

Architect Natural Language Understanding (NLU) slot permissions

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > flowSlot > Add

Access to the Slot button on the Slots page and the ability to add a new slot.

Architect > flowSlot > Edit

Access to the Edit Slot button and the ability to modify slots.

Architect > flowSlot > Delete

Access to the Delete Slot button and the ability to remove slots from the flow.

Architect Natural Language Understanding (NLU) slot type permissions

This permission Allows these actions

Architect > flowSlotType > Add

Access to the Slot Type button on the Slots page and the ability to add a new slot type.

Architect > flowSlotType > Edit

Slot Types view: Access to the Edit Slot Type button and the ability to modify slot types.

Slot Type Values view:

  • The ability to change the slot type (List, Dynamic, Regex).
  • The ability to add a new slot type value.
  • Access to the New Slot Type button.
  • The ability to edit the slot type value.
  • The ability to add and edit synonyms, add and edit localized values, and delete slot type values.
  • The ability to drag and drop.

Architect > flowSlotType > Delete

Access to the Delete Slot Type button and the ability to remove slot types from the flow.

Architect prompt permissions

This table lists the permissions that pertain to Architect system and user prompts. 

This permission Allows these actions
Architect System Prompt > Edit
  • Edit a system prompt’s name and description.
  • Add, modify, and remove any related prompt resources, excluding text-to-speech.
  • Upload new or delete existing prompt audio.

Architect System Prompt > View

View a system prompt, prompt resources, and prompt history.

Architect > User Prompt > Add

Add and configure a new user prompt.

Architect > User Prompt > Delete

Delete an existing user prompt.

Architect > User Prompt > Edit

  • Edit a user prompt’s name and description.
  • Add, modify, and remove any related prompt resources.
  • Modify a prompts text-to-speech, upload new prompts, or delete existing prompt audio.
Architect > User Prompt > View

View a user prompt, prompt resources, and prompt history.

Other permission requirements

This table lists Genesys Cloud features and the permissions required to reference them when designing flows in Architect.

Feature Permission
Canned responses

Responses > Library > View
> Response > View

Contact list

Outbound > Contact List > View 
> Contact List > Search

Data actions Integrations > Action > View
Divisions Authorization > Division > View
Queues Routing > Queue > View 
> Queue > Search
Schedules and schedule groups Telephony > Plugin > All
Scripts Scripter > Published Script > View
Users Directory > User > View
Wrap-up codes Routing > Wrap-up Code > View