Wait for Input action

Use this action to pause the interaction process for a duration or until a time that you set in User Input > No Input Timeout. Durations have a composite value of days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The length of the duration is the total of days, hours, minutes, and seconds values. You can use a duration value to determine how long part of a process waits before it proceeds.

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.

Enter the wording that the bot uses prior to waiting for input from the participant.

Note: If the bot receives no input from the user, it uses the configuration you set in Settings > User Input > No Input Detected > No Input Apology, combined with the original Question prompt.

Knowledge Search Results

The variable that stores the collection of KnowledgeBaseDocument matching results from the search that Architect performs in the action. If you select standard knowledge handling, then search results collection only contains the article that appears to the user. If you choose custom knowledge handling, then the results collection can contain multiple articles that strongly match the search.

No Match

Enter the wording that the bot uses when it receives input, but the input is not a valid match.

Note: The bot returns the configuration you set in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > No Match Apology combined with the No Match communication.

Customize No Match

Enables the No Match Reprompts field and allows you to create a list of no match prompts. The bot returns these prompts incrementally after it receives No Match input events.

No Match Reprompts

When the bot receives a No Match input, it returns the communication at the position in the No Match Reprompts collection that corresponds to the current number of No Match inputs received for that action. For example, the first No Match input triggers the bot to use the first No Match reprompt in the defined collection.

The length of the No Match Reprompt collection also overrides the maximum number of No Match retries that you define in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > Maximum Number of No Match Retries for that particular action. For example, if you define two reprompts in the collection, the bot retries twice. An empty collection turns off No Match retries.

Note: The bot returns the configuration you set in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > No Match Apology combined with the No Match communication.

Default No Match

Enables the default No Match field and allows you to define a single No Match prompt that the bot returns after it receives No Match input events.