Substitutions overview

Use substitutions, or variables, in canned responses to include the following real time, customer-specific information.

  • To provide agents with personalized messages that help reduce resolution time.
  • To include personalized content in emails that automatically send as replies to inbound emails.
Canned Substitutions Description Response Type
AGENT_ALIAS Add a name to use as an alias during any interaction. Standard and Footer
AGENT_EMAIL Add the email address of the agent. Footer
AGENT_NAME Add the name of the agent. Standard and Footer
CUSTOMER_NAME Add the name of the customer. Standard
DEPARTMENT Add the department of the agent. Footer
EMAIL_ADDRESS Add the “Email Address” configured for the email route. Footer
FROM_NAME Add the “From Name” configured for the email route. Footer
TITLE Add the job title of the agent. Footer
Note: To ensure that substitutions work for all languages, Genesys Cloud does not localize the names of the canned substitutions.

For example, an agent working in Genesys Cloud’s Spanish user interface can insert AGENT_ALIAS into a canned response, but not a localized name including ALIAS_DE_AGENTE.

For more information about how your agents set their aliases, see Add an agent name and image for web chats.

Custom substitutions

You can create custom substitutions that address your specific business needs. You can use canned responses in several ways, and each one allows you to specify the substitution values for your response.

  1. Add or edit the canned response and add the substitution
  2. Specify values for the substitutions that appear when you use a response:
    • Use a response with the script editor:
      1. Create the flow in Architect.
      2. Configure the Set Participant Data action.
      3. Assign the values for the substitutions, which are available in the response.
        Note: In the Set Participant Data action, you must call the substitution by the exact name as you define it in canned responses.
    • To send a response as an email body to a customer as an auto-response in an inbound email flow:
      1. Add a Get Response action.
      2. Supply the appropriate substitutions. The Get Response action loads the response into a string variable.
      3. Follow the Get Response action with a Send Auto Reply action and use your substituted string variable as the message body.
    • Send the response to a web user in an inbound chat flow:
      1. Use the Get Response action that you added in the previous step.
      2. To send the substituted message to the web guest, use a Send Response action in the chat flow.