Send Auto Reply action

You can send a reply to a customer based on the interaction’s attributes. Set up auto replies to send quick responses to customers to let them know someone in your organization received their message and to set expectations about next steps. You can build a custom reply, or you can use this action with the Get Response action, which pulls predefined responses from the Canned Responses library. Genesys Cloud sends the automatic reply to the person who originally sent the message. You cannot override the email recipient; however, you can modify the Cc: and Bcc: list.

  • Sending an email with the Send Auto Reply action is limited to one automated reply per conversation. If an email thread includes multiple replies to and from a customer, the automated reply is only generated for the first email.
  • Auto-replies are not sent for automatically generated emails. For example, the system does not send an automatic reply for an out-of-office reply.

Custom email replies should be composed in valid HTML or plain text format.

Name Description
Name field

Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the email flow structure.

Message Body Enter the Output Response Body variable you created from the Get Response action, or enter a custom message reply.
Additional options

Expand this section to:

  • Override data retrieved from the email auto-reply, including the address to use in the From field and the default setting for the Reply To field.
  • Add additional email addresses in the Cc: and Bcc: fields.

Note: To override any Cc: or Bcc: email addresses, use an expression similar to the following, replacing the email address with the appropriate address for this action:


To add multiple email addresses, use this expression:

MakeList(MakeEmailAddress(""), MakeEmailAddress(""))