Prepare your contact center for Genesys Cloud adoption

This section contains advice from contact center consultants at Genesys for adopting Genesys Cloud. Each article in the series includes preparation questions and actions to help you focus on key areas of your operation and customer care processes.

Proceed through the sections step-by-step as they apply to your business:

  1. Planning — Collect key data, identify your business needs, and educate your team on the tasks ahead.
  2. Enablement — Make schedules, identify project roles, analyze the data collected during planning, and prepare for testing.

If you have questions about this content, contact our Contact Center Services.


  • Read the articles contained in this section and ask your team to do the same.
  • Schedule a team meeting to discuss the questions and complete the action items. Delegate action items to the appropriate team members as necessary. For example, assign agents skilled in chat to take an active role in the interaction flow and queue design for chat. Assign similar roles to agents skilled in phone and email channels.
  • As you move through implementation phases, continue to refer to this information.
  • Remain flexible in cases where the implementation requires minor process adjustments, but avoid major changes that disrupt the implementation scope.
  • Pay particular attention to the action items in each section. This step ensures that you are prepared to partner with the implementation team to configure a system that maximizes the value of your new technology.