Prepare a source .csv file


The following permissions:

  • External Contacts > External Entity > Import
  • External Contacts > Contact > View

Genesys Cloud provides a sample .csv file to help you format the information properly for your external contacts and organizations. For more information about the data in the sample .csv file, see About data in the source .csv file.

  • All field names are case-sensitive.
  • The maximum file size is 10 MB.
  • You can use any tool you want as long as you can save a UTF-8 encoded .csv file.
  • You can use multiple source .csv files. If you do use multiple source .csv files, be sure to maintain unique contact IDs and unique organization IDs across source files. Otherwise, Genesys Cloud replaces your original data when you import a new file.
  • To import only contacts, complete only the contact fields.
  • To import only organizations, complete only the account fields.
  • To associate a contact with an organization, complete the external contact information in the same row as the external organization information.
  • You do not have to specify a value for every field. When the import process finds an empty field, it leaves the corresponding field in the Genesys Cloud record empty. 
  • Include the full E.164 phone number including the country code. If you do not include the country code, Genesys Cloud uses the US as the default.
  1. Click Directory > External Contacts.
  2. Click Add > Bulk CSV Import.
  3. Click Download the sample setup file and save it with a meaningful name.
  4. Prepare your source file. The source file contains fields for both contact and organization data. You can import only contact data, only organization data, or both types of data. 
    • To import contacts, complete the set of contact fields. The following are the required fields:
      • Contact ID
      • Contact First Name
      • Contact Last Name 
    • To import organizations, complete the set of account fields. The following are the required fields:
      • Account ID
      • Account Name
    • For more information, see Work with data in the source .csv file.
  1. Save your file as a UTF-8 encoded .csv file.