Pairing the Edge Standard v1

You can pair Genesys Cloud Edge Standard v1 using these steps. 


  1. Install the Edge into the equipment rack in the same manner as a typical server blade.

  2. Connect the Edge to your network by plugging the network cable into the Edge WAN port.

    Note: The WAN port does not require a public IP address.

  3. Turn on the unit with the power button.

    Note: To add the Edge to your network, you may need to use the physical Edge LCD to complete the Use the LCD to set the DCHP for the WAN port procedure or the Use the LCD to set the static IP address for the WAN Port procedure.

  4. From a computer on your network, open a web browser and log in to the Genesys Cloud URL. 

  5. Log in with the telephony admin role and navigate to Admin > Telephony > Edges.

  6. Click Provision New Edge.

  7. Enter a name for the Edge in the Edge Name field.
  8. Enter the Edge pairing ID into the Edge Pairing ID field.
    Note: The Edge pairing ID is the serial number on the Edge case.
  9. Select the Provision Edge button. The Edge is Connecting to Genesys Cloud screen appears.
  10. Wait for the Edge to connect to Genesys Cloud. The process can take up to 5 minutes.
    Note: The physical Edge displays a number on the LCD screen. This number is the Verification Code.
  11. Enter the last 10 digits of the Verification Code into the Enter Verification Code field on the Genesys Cloud screen. 
  12. Select the Confirm Code button.  The Verification Code Accepted screen appears.
  13. Wait for the Edge to complete the pairing process. The Ready to Configure screen appears.