Navigate the Historical Data Import view

Use the Historical Data Import view to upload historical interaction data. Workforce management uses this data to generate forecasts using the Automatic Best Method option.

Column Description
Historical Data End Date (UTC) This entry contains the latest date and time, in UTC format, that you can include in the import file. Workforce management uses your uploaded data for all intervals prior to the historical data end date. After the historical data end date, workforce management uses the native Genesys Cloud historical interaction data.
File to Upload Click (example) to download a sample .csv file to help you format the file that you want to import.
Browse Click to search for and select the .csv file that includes the historical data to import.
Import Click this button to begin the import process.

If you choose to delete historical data, this action removes all uploaded historical data from the system. It can take up to 24 hours for the purge to complete. After you purge the data, forecasts use native Genesys Cloud historical data for newly created forecasts.

Note: The purge process completes at approximately 3:00 a.m. local time in each region.

Import history

The Import History section contains details about imported files.

  • Date Created. The date that you imported the historical data file.
  • Historical Data Start Date. The beginning date and time included in the historical import file that workforce management uses for historical data. 
  • Historical Data End Date. The latest end date and time that you select when you import the file.
  • Status. The current status of the imported files: initiated, in progress, pending, successful, successful (active), failed, canceled, purge pending, or purge successful.
  • Validation Results. If the upload failed because of errors, click the link to open a Parsing Errors dialog box and view details about the errors

Note: After 10 days, the system removes files with any status other than Successful (Active).