Log an agent out of Genesys Cloud


The following permissions:

  • Analytics Conversation Aggregate View
  • Analytics Conversation DetailView
  • Analytics Queue Observation View
  • Directory > User > View
  • Routing > Queue > View
  • UI > Supervisor Queue Details > View 
  • UI > Supervisor Status Control > View

To log an agent out of Genesys Cloud:

  • OAuthTokenDelete

Log out an agent

Log out an agent in the following views:

Important: When you log out an agent, all active connections will be ended.
Note: Agents logged in through SSO can be logged out by a supervisor.


Here’s an example of how to log an agent out of Genesys Cloud in the Queues Activity Detail view.

To log an agent out of Genesys Cloud, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to PerformanceQueues Activity
  2. Select a queue in which the agent is a member. 
  3. From the queue's activity detail view, hover over the presence dot beside an agent's name. 
  4. To log out an agent, click Log off. If the agent is On Queue, set the agent's status to Off Queue, and then click Log off.

Note: To display the Log off option when the agent is On Queue, click On Queue.