Import historical data

  • Workforce Management > Historical Data > Upload permission
  • Queues, skills, and languages configured in Genesys Cloud
    Use this tool to upload historical interaction data. This data is used by the Continuous Forecast and when generating forecasts using the Automatic Best Method option.

    To upload historical data, perform the following steps:

    1. Click Admin.
    2. Under Workforce Management, click Historical Data Import.
    3. In the End Date (UTC) field, click the Calendar icon.
    4. Select the latest date. Genesys Cloud imports data from the latest date for the specified file.
    5. In the End Time (UTC) field, click the Clock icon. 
    6. Select the time that you want the import file to use. Genesys Cloud imports data from the latest date for the specified file.
    7. In the Upload File box, click Choose file. The Choose file to upload dialog box appears.
    8. Click Import File.

    After the file imports, the validation process begins. The Import History table provides status and validation details about the imported data.

    Note: Data files that are validated successfully take up to 24 hours to import. The import process, when in Pending status, completes at approximately 3:00 a.m. local time in each region.

    Validation details

    Status Description
    Import Initiated The system accepts the requests and begins to upload the data.
    Import in progress The system begins to validate the file.
    Import pending Validation passed successfully and the batch process begins. The import process completes at approximately 3:00 a.m. local time in each region.
    Published The batch process successfully processed the file and the data is ready to use. 
    Import Successful The batch process successfully processed the file but a new successful upload replaced it. 

    The upload was not successful and the file contains errors. Click the link in the Validation Results column for more information.

    Import Canceled A new upload was initiated and validated successfully, which cancels the previous request. 
    Purge Pending

    Historical data purge request initiated successfully and waits for a batch process to purge the data from Genesys Cloud. The purge process completes at approximately 3:00 a.m. local time in each region.

    Note: This entry only appears if another table entry contains a Published status.

    Purge Successful A data purge process completed successfully. This entry only appears if another table entry contains a Published status.

    File considerations

    The file must include data in exactly 15-minute intervals. In the example below, the granularity level configured in 30-minute intervals. Each individual file must have a unique queue and media combination, which must not be duplicated in another file. 

    Interval Start UTC Date Queue Media Type Skill Set Language Offered Interactions Handled Total Handle Time
    2020-02-26T00:00:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 16 6 4
    2020-02-26T00:30:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 14 7 6

    If you send the data, the back-end process considers that no data exists for every 15 minutes as a pattern and creates an incorrect forecast. The values considered in this case are:

    Interval Start UTC Date Queue Media Type Skill Set Language Offered Interactions Handled Total Handle Time
    2020-02-26T00:00:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 16 7 4
    2020-02-26T00:15:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English Null Null Null
    2020-02-26T00:30:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 14 7 6
    2020-02-26T00:45:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English Null Null Null

     To correct the issue, split the data into two parts for 00 minutes and another 15 minutes as shown below:

    Interval Start UTC Date Queue Media Type Skill Set Language Offered Interactions Handled Total Handle Time
    2020-02-26T00:00:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 8 3 2
    2020-02-26T00:15:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 8 3 2
    2020-02-26T00:30:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 7 4 3
    2020-02-26T00:45:00Z Example queue 1 Voice recording ||| analytics English 7 4 3