Get SIP Headers action

Use the Get SIP Headers action in inbound, in-queue, and secure call flows to get existing BYOC Cloud SIP headers in a variable of the JSON data type. From the Architect Toolbox, drag a Get SIP Headers Data action into the appropriate location in the task editor.

  • If you want to retrieve a user-defined collection of SIP header names, you can add a maximum of 10 header names to your string collection.
  • This action can only obtain the headers present on the initial INVITE for the conversation in question.
Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.
SIP Header Names

Specify the SIP headers to retrieve. 

  • To return all SIP headers, select All SIP Headers, or select literal and leave the string collection empty. You can also use the expression MakeEmptyList(ToString(NOT_SET)).
  • To add a custom string collection of up to 10 header name strings for the GET SIP Headers action to get, select literal and click String. You can also use an expression. For example, to use an expression to add a string collection that contains the strings “call-id”, “contact” and “content-length” for SIP header names, use MakeList("call-id", "contact", "content-length").
SIP Headers Result

Type a distinctive name for the variable of the JSON data type that the action uses to return the SIP headers in.

Failure Outputs

These outputs allow the flow author to map the results of any resulting errorType and errorMessage variables when the Get SIP Headers action takes the failure path.

  • errorType: A nonempty string that contains the type or category of the error.
  • errorMessage: A non-localized failure message. The string may be empty or NOT_SET.

Note: Hover over the information icon  next to errorType to display the list of allowable errorType values.

Genesys Cloud checks failure path scenarios and if none of them are met, Genesys Cloud retrieves the SIP headers. You can use the following errorType values:

  • ActionInvocationLimitExceeded: If a flow has successfully run the Get SIP Headers action five times, any subsequent invocations of the action take the failure path.
  • GeneralError: If there is a general error when retrieving the SIP headers, the Get SIP Headers action takes the failure path.
  • NoSipHeadersExist: If no SIP headers exist, the Get SIP Headers action takes the failure path.
  • SipHeaderNamesCollectionItemLimitExceeded: If the collection of SIP header names contains more than 10 items, the Get SIP Headers action takes the failure path.