Get details in the phone information panel

  • Telephony > Plugin > All permission

Once a phone is in use, details and status information about a phone appear in the phone information panel on the Phone tab.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Phone Management.
  3. On the Phones tab, select a phone in the Phone Name column. The Edit Phone page appears
  4. The phone information panel appears on the Phone tab.
Label Description

Indicates the overall status of the phone and the line key connection to an Edge.

Hover your mouse pointer over the status icon to see specific details.

Note: WebRTC phones do not register like SIP phones and so report status as Unmanaged.
Restart Phone

Use Restart Phone to check provision details and the firmware version. If there are updates, the phone restarts. As it does, the phone is re-provisioned and the new firmware installed.

Note: Restart Phone is not a remote reboot option.

Indicates the status of the phone’s registration and line key connection to the Primary Edge.

Hover your mouse pointer over the status icon to see specific details.


Indicates the status of the phone’s registration and line key connection to the Secondary Edge.

Hover your mouse pointer over the status icon to get specific details.

Make and Model

Lists the make and model of the phone.

Hover your mouse pointer over the information icon to reveal additional details. 

Firmware Version Identifies the firmware version running on the phone.
Logged In

Lists the name of the person to whom the phone is assigned.

Use Log people out  to disconnect the person from the phone.

Default For Lists the name of the person who is specified as phone’s default user.
Last Provision

The length of time since the phone was provisioned.

Hover your mouse pointer over the information icon to see the exact date and time that the phone was provisioned. You can also see the IP address of the provisioning server.

Primary Edge

Indicates the status of the primary Edge’s connection to the cloud.

Hover your mouse pointer over the status icon to see specific details.

Secondary Edge

Indicates the status of the secondary Edge’s connection to the cloud.

Hover your mouse pointer over the status icon to see specific details.