Genesys Cloud Voice service third-party terms

We use various third-party licensors, service providers and/or other vendors (our business partners) in connection with the provision of the Genesys Cloud Voice Service (“GCVS”). In some circumstances, these business partners require that our customers agree to terms in addition to those described in our Agreement, including, but not limited to, the Genesys Cloud Voice Addendum. The following terms represent both a general summary of these terms, as well as certain specific requirements requested by certain business partners. We may modify this document at any time by posting a revised version on the GCVS website or by otherwise notifying you. Additionally, the linked terms provided herein may also be subject to modification by the applicable business partner. The modified terms will become effective upon posting or, if we notify you by email, as stated in the email message. By continuing to use GCVS after the effective date of any modifications to this document, you agree to be bound by the modified terms. We last modified this document on the date listed below. If you have questions about these terms, or how we or our business partners use the information we gather, please contact us at

You will ensure that your use, and you shall procure that your end users’ use, of GCVS, including all products, support and services provided by our business partners (collectively, “Services”) complies in all respects with contractual or other obligations we may have to our business partners. You agree that you are responsible for any breach of such obligations and for any other conduct on the part of you or your end users with respect to the Services, including:

  1. Compliance with Laws and Interference with the Services. You are responsible for ensuring that your and your end users’ use of Services is in accordance with all laws, regulations, regulatory conditions, provisions in numbering plans and decisions from regulatory bodies relevant to the Services, including any in relation to usage restrictions. As part of this obligation, you agree that you and your end users will not, in any manner:
  1.  Interfere with or impair any service over any facilities and/or any equipment used in the provision of any Services;
  2.  Impair or attempt to circumvent the security of any portion of the Services or the privacy of any user or communications occurring via any Services;
  3.  Engage in any form of fraud, deceptive marketing, harassment, abuse or distribution of questionable materials (e.g., materials that are harmful, threatening,  pornographic, obscene, indecent, potentially defamatory or which could be considered offensive in any other way) with respect to or through use of any Services;
  4.  Create hazards or impediments to any employees, representatives or third parties who may assist Genesys in the provision of any Services; or
  5.  Send any spam by SMS/text message through the Services, nor any short/text messages which are offensive, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene, menacing, a  nuisance or a hoax in breach of any law or anyone’s privacy or its otherwise unlawful.
  1. Reverse Engineering. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you also agree to ensure that you and your end users will not:
  1.  Copy or duplicate any Services (or any element or component thereof); or
  2.  Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, modify, disconnect, rearrange remove or attempt to repair any Services without the express prior written consent of us  and the business partner responsible for the element or component in question.
  1. Co-operation. You further agree to ensure that you, your business partners, and your end users, with respect to both us and our business partners, will:
  1.  Cooperate in all matters relating to Services;
  2.  Provide such access to your premises, equipment or other accommodations as may be reasonably requested;
  3.  Respond promptly to any request to provide direction, approvals, authorizations or decisions that are reasonably necessary for us or our business partners to  carry out Services; and
  4.  Provide such information or assistance as may be requested in order to carry out Services, in a timely manner, and ensure that any such information is complete  and accurate in all respects.
  1. Software, Equipment and System Obligations. You agree that you and your end users are responsible for ensuring that all equipment used in conjunction with the Services complies with any specifications made available to you by us or our business partners, and that the most recent versions of or updates to any software relating to the Services have been correctly installed on any such equipment. You also agree to maintain, at all times, procedures external to the Services for the recordation and preservation of any information described in Section 5 of this document and as might be needed to reconstruct any lost or altered files, data or other information that might be important to your business.
  1. Maintenance and Use of Information. With respect to your and your end users’ use of Services, you agree to assist us and our business partners in inputting and validating all information related to your and your end users’ use of Services in any respect, including service requests, local service requests, customer service records, use cases, Producible Documentation (as defined by Consumer Protection Laws), verification data (including telephone numbers, privacy indicators, service start date, line type information, billing and user name, and billing address), call detail records, as well as any other information that may be requested from our business partners from time to time and further agree to maintain such information for at least one (1) calendar year following the end of your agreement with us.

    This information may accessed and manipulated in order to provide Services, respond to service requests, as well as to complete LIDB inquiries and/or deal with directory information enquiries as applicable, for verification queries, compensation/billing or other requests, insertion into a caller ID name (CNAM) database, or compliance with legal directives (subpoenas, search warrants, court orders or for emergency reasons).

    In the event that any such information is requested or is otherwise required to be disclosed, you may be contacted by us or any of our business partners, and you agree that any copies of such information may be either temporarily stored or destroyed following their use.

  1. Transmission of IP-originated traffic. You also agree that you and your end users will only transmit IP-originated telephony traffic (i.e., calls originated over the internet and not over the Public Switched Telephone Network (“PTSN”)) through use of Services, and will not use the Services for any outbound traffic to the PTSN by falsifying the sending address of the transmission using a telephone number issued to you in the caller ID (spoofing), and agree to develop and maintain reasonable evidence that all of your and your end users’ calls are IP-originated.
  1. High Traffic Volume. If traffic to or from a particular ASN exceeds 10% of the applicable Committed Data Rate, then neither we nor our business partners make any guarantees or other promises of performance with respect to packet loss and/or latency to and from that ASN, including with respect to “Transit” Autonomous systems used to reach end user destinations.
  1. Legal Authorization. Customer agrees that that the number(s) purchased from Genesys under this transaction will be used solely the purposes of inbound calls received by Customer. Further, Customer warrants that it does not have operations in the country of origin of the number(s) purchased from Genesys under this transaction. Customer may not use GCVS for any traffic that may include or utilize originating numbering information that Customer or its end-users are not legally authorized to utilize. Customer agrees that it will only include DID and toll free numbers in outbound calling fields if Customer owns or is otherwise legally authorized to use such numbers.
Modified date

Added Legal Authorization section.


Reformatted article layout.


Published article.