Genesys Cloud support of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code)

In 2021, the US/CA wireless carriers commercialized 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) to legitimize A2P (Application-to-Person) text messaging, creating a formal process for allowing 10-digit local phone numbers to be used to send and receive text messages. The goal for 10DLC is part of a concerted effort to decrease text spam and phishing text messages. All text messaging programs using US/CA 10-Digit local phone numbers, regardless of the use case, must be registered to avoid blocking.

How do I register?

To request the 10DLC registration form, click here.

For assistance to complete the form, use the Tip Sheet. After you complete the form, email it to

Warning: All fields on the forms are required. If you leave any fields blank, Genesys will not submit your form.

For now, registration is managed manually through a form submission. Genesys presently collects your company and use case information in a registration form that you must complete in its entirety before Genesys can register the 10DLC program on your behalf. Failure to provide the required information extends the registration lead-time. Registration consists of five main pieces of information:

  • Company information – Name, Federal EIN, Address, etc.
  • Use case information – Customer service chat, notifications, marketing, etc.
  • Opt-In Method – Website, Contract, IVR, Agent/Phone, Keyword, etc.
  • Call to Action (CTA) – How your company is obtaining consent to text your customers including evidence of how you are obtaining it.
  • The 10DLC phone numbers to be associated with the program.

If you are a charity or political organization, contact for specific registration requirements.

What is A2P text messaging (SMS)?

The wireless carriers classify A2P text messaging as any SMS routing to or from software regardless of the use case. This means that any SMS sent from or received by Genesys software is classified as A2P.

What is 10DLC?

10DLC is the wireless carriers’ product name for A2P text messaging when using US/CA local phone numbers; for example, +16175551212.

When do I need to register by?

The Wireless Carriers have already started to increase blocking on non-registered 10DLC programs and have issued the final deadline to complete registration.

  • August 31, 2023 – After this date, any non-registered programs will be completely blocked until registration is completed. There will be no exceptions and no escalations.

How long does registration take?

The current lead-time to complete registration is 3-4 weeks.

What happens if I don’t register?

Unregistered programs will be blocked by the wireless carriers.

If you no longer want to use your 10DLC numbers due to this change, release them from Genesys Cloud in the SMS Inventory, and no further charges will be incurred. You might also consider using a different number type such as a toll-free number or a short code although each of which have their own registration processes.

Does every program need to be registered?

Yes. Regardless of how you are using 10DLC whether it’s for high volume campaigns, inbound customer service, low-volume testing, 2FA/OTP, and so on, your company and use case must be registered to avoid blocking. For more information, see SMS best practices for a compliant program.

Do I need to register existing 10DLC?

Yes. If you are already using 10DLC’s for SMS and have not completed registration, you will need to complete registration to avoid service disruption.

Can I add a new 10DLC to an existing registration?

Yes. For the time being, contact to notify us when you buy a new 10DLC you want to add to an existing registration. There is no need for an additional form unless the new 10DLC is supporting an entirely different use case with different opt-in methods. Our long-term goal is to move self-service management into the Admin UI.

Is opt-in required for all programs?

Yes. In the eyes of the FCC, CTIA, and wireless carriers, obtaining consent is not optional, even for Inbound-initiated programs. Wherever you are advertising that your customer can use text as a communication channel or signup for a recurring message program, the expectations must be clearly defined for why they are providing their mobile number.

Is the registration requirement the only change?

No. The wireless carriers are using the registration system to evaluate the use case to determine how many SMS per day they will permit and how they will surcharge the messaging. The wireless carriers have implemented monitoring systems that will manage outbound volumes versus daily allotments and ensure that message content is in line with best practices.

Will the wireless carriers really limit the amount of SMS I can send every day?

Yes. One of the overarching drivers behind the 10DLC program is to protect networks and subscribers from a flood of messages.

How will I know if I’ve reached my daily limits?

Genesys will help manage daily limits on your behalf through rate limiting controls built into the platform.

What fees will be assessed, and will my rates change?

Each wireless carrier has taken a different approach to commercializing the offer including registration fees and new per message surcharges that vary based on use case, direction, and other contributing factors. Genesys will begin passing-through one-time registration and recurring fees at no markup. Per message surcharges will be covered by our current per message pricing with no anticipated changes.

For more information, see Messaging pricing.

Do these changes only apply to SMS or is MMS affected too?

These changes apply to both SMS and MMS. Outbound limits and surcharges for MMS vary by use case.

Do these changes apply to toll-free numbers as well?

Yes and no. There is a similar registration requirement called toll-free verification for A2P messaging using US/CA toll-free numbers; however, the complexities behind throughput limits do not apply. For more information, see Genesys Cloud support of toll-free messaging verification for the United States and Canada.

Is voice on 10DLC impacted by this change?

No. There is no impact to voice calling.

Have other questions?

If you have any questions not covered in the FAQ, send them to

Modified date

Updated the Tip Sheet.


Updated content in article.


Updated registration dates and extended the current lead-time to complete registration


Updated content in entire article.


Article/FAQ created.


Added a link to download the 10DLC registration form.