Genesys Cloud deployment considerations for India

Deploying Genesys Cloud in India requires special considerations when designing a call center architecture for handling both domestic and international, inbound and outbound calls. This is because India has a dynamic regulatory environment and the interpretation and approval of an architecture is provided solely by the Indian government. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that an architecture will be approved. In fact, an architecture that is approved today may be rejected tomorrow due to legal or regulatory changes and interpretations.

To help guide you through this process, Genesys provides the Genesys Cloud: India Preferred Deployment: Domestic & International document and slide deck. The document and slide deck describe the general considerations and preferred architecture options for deploying Genesys Cloud in India.

Note: The content of this document, which generally describes Genesys Cloud use in India, is for informational purposes only. It represents Genesys’ knowledge and experience with India telecommunications regulations. The information is not legal advice and prior to implementing any solution, customers should consult with their legal counsel, their telephony service provider (TSP), and the India Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to ensure that they are in compliance with all India laws and telecommunications and contact center regulations.

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