Genesys Cloud and Ofcom compliance

The Office of Communications, commonly known as Ofcom, is the UK government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the United Kingdom. For more information about Ofcom regulations, look here and here. Genesys Cloud enables your company to comply with Ofcom regulations when you use the appropriate combination of configuration settings. We recommend you review and manage these and other configuration settings as needed to comply with Ofcom regulations.

  • Disable Answering Machine Detection (AMD)

Ofcom regulations strongly govern the use of AMD in outbound dialing campaigns, and AMD settings are controlled when you edit or create a call analysis response. If AMD is a requirement, consult with your Compliance Department or seek independent legal advice about the Ofcom Misuse Policy before you enable AMD. 

  • Configure agents with auto answer and persistent connections 

When you configure agents with auto answer on and persistent client connections, the system can deliver calls to agents within two seconds of a connection event.

  • Configure the system to abandon calls if no agent is available within 2 seconds (using an Architect flow)

To handle system abandoned calls (that is, if the system does not connect a call to an agent within two seconds), configure a message in Architect to play to the external party a message that states who called, why, and leave a number to call back. 

  • Configure callback rules for abandoned calls

Ofcom requires outbound call campaigns to not call a record that was previously abandoned (either by the system or by the customer) within 72 hours, unless an agent dials the number directly and the agent is reserved. Configure callback rules to comply with this requirement. 

  • Carefully consider your use of blended agents

Inbound calls can suddenly occupy an agent who may have outbound dials already placed on their behalf. This scenario can result in an abandoned outbound call.