FAQs: Genesys Tempo™ for iOS
Genesys Tempo is a workforce management application that enables agents to perform the scheduling tasks.
How do I create a time-off request?
At the bottom of the screen, tap Time Off. Then, to schedule a time-off request, to the upper right, tap Add .
How do I view my time off with Genesys Tempo for iOS?
Tap Time Off. The Summary tab appears. This tab displays your pending requests, any approved requests for this week, and your upcoming approved requests.
To see all of your requests, tap All Requests.
What are the possible statuses of my time-off requests?
The following statuses are possible:
Request Status | Definition |
Pending | Request is awaiting manual intervention from an administrator. |
Approved | Either an administrator or the system approved the request. When an administrator approves, the update is done manually and when system approves, the update is done automatically based on auto-approval rules. |
Canceled |
Request is canceled. |
Denied | Administrator denied the request manually. |
Waitlisted | System could not approve the request automatically because it is waiting on limit availability. If availability appears before the waitlist window closes, the system auto-approves the request. |
Advance Time Elapsed |
The request was not auto approved because configured advance time for waitlist has elapsed. |
Invalid Daily Duration |
System could not approve the request automatically because the daily duration that the agent requested does not comply with the agent’s scheduled hours. If the agent is not scheduled currently, the system checks the duration against the work plan to which the agent is associated. For work plan rotation, the system also chooses the correct work plan according to time-off request dates and assigned rotation. Note: If an agent is not currently scheduled to work, and is not associated with a work plan, then the time-off request is not automatically approved. The request remains in Pending status and requires an administrator’s manual intervention. |
Outside Shift | System could not approve the request automatically because it is not compatible with any work plan shift. |
Removed from Waitlist |
Request is no longer associated to a waitlist. For example, when an agent moves to another management unit and there is no matching time-off plan set up for auto-approval in another management unit. |
Auto Approved | Request is auto approved by the system. |
Insufficient Balance | Request is not auto-approved due to insufficient balance in the selected time-off type. |
How do I use Genesys Tempo for iOS to create a time-off request with non-sequential dates?
Currently, Genesys Tempo does not support the ability to create time-off requests with non-continuous dates. You can use the web app to create a time-off request with non-continuous dates.
You can use Genesys Tempo to view time-off requests with non-sequential dates.
For time-off requests, what are the possible indicators I can see?
When you log on to Tempo, the following indicators are possible:
- No border around the date indicates that the date is available to request time off.
- Fire on the date indicates that the date is filling fast; the hours available are less than three times the requested amount. For example, if I request eight hours and the hours under the limit are less than 24, fire appears on the date.
- A red border around the date indicates that there is a short waitlist; five or fewer people requested time off on that day.
- A red filled box on the date indicates that there is a long waitlist; more than five people are on waitlist after requesting time off on that day.
- An exclamation mark (!) on the date indicates that a time-off request is pending, but it violates one or more auto-approval rules in a time-off plan.
- A question mark (?) on the date indicates that a time-off plan doesn’t exist or is set to always require Admin approval.
- The bar at the bottom indicates the requested time-off hours in yellow and the available balance in green.
What do the different pending messages mean for time-off requests?
Pending Message | Definition |
Your request is waitlisted. You are third in line on the waitlist. | Request duration and all other checks have passed. Currently, limits are not available on the dates selected. The system approves the request automatically when limits become available. |
Your request was not auto-approved because the configured advance time for waitlist has elapsed. | Request is expired and the system cannot approve it automatically. |
Your request was not auto-approved because the daily duration specified is not compatible with the scheduled or planned shift duration. | Requested duration did not pass the check against a published schedule or, if none exists, the work plan to which the agent is associated. The request requires manual intervention from an Admin for approval or denial. |
Your request was not auto-approved because the partial day paid request is not compatible with any planned shift. | Requested partial day did not pass the check against a published schedule or, if none exists, the work plan to which the agent is associated. The request requires manual intervention from an Admin for approval or denial. |
How do I view my schedule with Genesys Tempo for iOS?
- Tap Schedule. The month appears in the top pane.
- Tap the date on the calendar.
Your schedule appears in the lower pane.
What schedules can I see with Genesys Tempo for iOS?
Tempo for iOS offers month and day views. It can display up to three years in the future and up to one year in the past. You can also see your shift, activities for the shift, and time-off requests.
Does use of Genesys Tempo for iOS impact billing for customers who use by-the-hour pricing?
No, Genesys Tempo users are not treated as logged in when they use the app, and usage of the app does not impact billing.
Does use of Genesys Tempo for iOS impact the number of simultaneous users for customers using concurrent pricing?
No, Genesys Tempo users are not treated as logged in when they use the app, and app usage does not impact the total number of concurrent users.
How do I create a shift trade?
To trade a shift from the daily view, tap Trade or Drop.
You can use the same process from the weekly view.
Where can I see the shifts available for trade?
To browse the available upcoming shifts, to the upper right, tap the arrow .
How do I create a late explanation?
To notify your manager that you are running late, to the upper right, tap Running late .
What are the categories under which I can submit a running late request?
You can submit a running late request for your next work activity, such as, Meeting, On Queue, Off Queue or Training Activity Categories. If you submit a running late request before and activity that has the Activity Category Break or Meal the request will take effect as the beginning of the next schedule work activity.
Why is the running late icon disabled after submitting a request?
After you submit a running late request, you cannot submit another one for the same activity. The icon is enabled when there is a work time activity within next four hours and the activity should not have a running late request applied already. Also, the icon is disabled after submitting five late explanations per day.
How do I know the status of my running late request?
- Pending requests appear in gray.
- Accepted requests appear in green.
- Rejected requests appear in red.
What notifications do I receive with Genesys Tempo?
Genesys Tempo includes schedule notifications when a schedule is added, changed, or removed. Also, Genesys Tempo provides time-off request notifications for approved or denied requests. Configure notifications in your device’s Settings application on your device.
How do I view the documentation for Genesys Tempo for iOS?
Tap Settings. Then tap FAQ.
You can also view the FAQs on the Genesys Cloud Resource Center.
If I log into Collaborate for iOS, do I need to log in to Genesys Tempo for iOS separately?
Yes. Genesys Tempo for iOS and Collaborate for iOS have independent logins.
Why do I see the Error Getting User message?
You see the Error Getting User message if you are inactive and your administrator configures an inactivity timer for Genesys Cloud log in instances.
Can I run Genesys Tempo for iOS on an iPad?
No. At this time, Genesys Tempo is only supported on iPhones. Genesys plans to support iPads in a later release.
When can I view my time balances on Genesys Tempo?
You can view your time balances on Genesys Tempo when you create time-off requests.
How do I view time balances in Tempo?
Click the Time-Off Balances icon to view the time-off categories along with the corresponding time-off balances.
Why do I see the HRIS time-off integration is misconfigured message?
Error message: The HRIS time-off integration is misconfigured. Contact your supervisor for additional support.
You see this error message as HRIS time-off integrations are currently available only on the desktop version and not on Tempo. The issue does not impact existing functionality. You can see the HR system accrual balances on Tempo starting October, 2023.
How can I submit user feedback?
Navigate to the Settings page and use the Submit Feedback option to submit user feedback.