Genesys Cloud
Deprecation: Long polling for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations

Announced on Effective date
2019-11-20 2020-07-01
Notes: This article was previously titled Deprecation: WebRTC signaling. After reviewing Community feedback, Genesys renamed and revised it to clarify the deprecation and customer impact.

On July 1, 2020, Genesys removed a fallback mechanism that supports long polling (client pull) for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations if the websocket (server push) connection fails. Genesys Cloud now supports only clients and network configurations that use the WebSocket protocol.

This deprecation only impacts customers that use a web proxy with the Genesys Cloud desktop application. All other customers, including those that use a web proxy with the Genesys Cloud web application, are unaffected.


Am I affected?

Customers that use a web proxy with the Genesys Cloud desktop application must follow the procedure below before the long polling removal date to avoid connection failures.

What do I need to do before the removal date?

Customers that use a web proxy with the Genesys Cloud desktop application must update their web proxy server configuration to properly route websocket traffic through the proxy. 

Warning: Use of a proxy server is an advanced configuration that requires changes to system configuration files. Back up original versions of these files before changing them.

We recommend using a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file to route web requests to Genesys Cloud. Include this line in the PAC file on your web proxy server:

if (url.substring(0,4)=="wss:")
return "PROXY {Proxy-IP}:{Proxy Port}";

Or modify the desktop application shortcut to use a command-line argument:

purecloud.exe --proxy-server="https={Proxy-IP}:{Proxy Port};wss={Proxy-IP}:{Proxy Port}"

Who should I contact if I need help or have additional questions?

Contact My Support.