Genesys Cloud
Deprecation: Canned reports

Announced on Effective date
2022-06-22 2024-03-20

With the introduction of scheduled exports, emailed exports, PDF exports, and selectable columns, Genesys Cloud completed the core functionality that the s service provided. Genesys Cloud intends to migrate all canned report usage (a limited set of report types with no configurability other than the most basic options) to the dynamic view exports that will let users generate all the reports they may need with ease.

This multi-step approach migrates one report at a time and identifies usage, announces deprecation, and provides documentation about how to switch over. This process also disables the creation of new reports that were migrated and eventually deprecates the report entirely. 

The current 16 report templates allow users to configure and create custom reports according to a specific need for data. Updates in the Performance views provide the same reports without the technical overhead encountered from the former process. These updates also enable users to continue to view data for a specific time and date.

For more information, see the How are exports used to reproduce reports section below.  

Note: Genesys recommends that you evaluate your reporting needs and requirements and make the necessary adjustments to create the reports in the Performance views.

The following 16 report templates will be retired in 4 phases. 

  • Queue Reports – five reports
  • Agent Reports – six reports
  • Campaign Reports – three reports
  • User Reports – two reports

Phase one includes the deprecation of the following queue reports. As of November 2, 2022, new report creation is disabled for these reports, and the final deprecation is on track for March 20, 2024. 

Disable new report creation Disable copy reports Disable edit option Disable run now option Full Deprecation Current type  New type Template # Current report template name New export report name
November 2, 2022 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Queue Queue 1 Queue metrics interval export Queue Performance Summary with the appropriate time interval selected
November 2, 2022 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Queue Queue 2 Queue metrics interval Queue Performance Summary with the appropriate time interval selected
November 2, 2022 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Queue Queue 3 Queue metrics summary Queue Performance with current interval selected
November 2, 2022 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Queue Queue 4 Queue wrap-up summary Queue Performance with the specific wrap-up code selected
November 2, 2022 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Queue Queue 5 Queue metrics daily report Queue Performance with the current day interval

Phase two includes the deprecation of the agents-based reports listed below. As of April 19, 2023 new report creation is unavailable for these reports. The final deprecation is on track for March 20, 2024.

Disable new report creation Disable copy reports Disable edit option Disable run now option Full Deprecation Current type  New type Template # Current report template name New export report name
April 19, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Agent Agent 6 Agent activity summary Agent Activity Status Summary with Login-Logout, Status Timeline, or Status Duration
April 19, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Agent Agent 7 Agent activity summary export Agent Activity Status Summary with Login-Logout, Status Timeline, or Status Duration
April 19, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Agent Agent 8 Agent login-logout details Agent Activity Status Summary with Login-Logout Details Option Selected
April 19, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Agent Agent 10 Agent metrics Agent Performance Summary
April 19, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Agent Agent 11 Agent metrics export Agent Performance Summary
April 19, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Agent Agent 12 Agent quality details report

Agent Evaluation Summary

Phase three includes the deprecation of the user status details report and the dialer campaign success reports by interval and by day. As of May 24, 2023, the new report creation is unavailable for these reports. The final deprecation is on track for March 20, 2024.

Disable new report creation Disable copy reports Disable edit option Disable run now option Full Deprecation Current type  New type Template # Current report template name New export report name
May 24, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 User Agent 9 User status details report Agent Activity Status Summary with Login-Logout, Status Timeline, or Status Duration
May 24, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Campaign Campaign 15 Dialer campaign success results by interval Campaign Performance export
May 24, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Campaign Campaign 16 Dialer campaign success results by day Campaign Performance export

Phase four is the final phase. Phase four includes the deprecation of the interaction details report and the dialer campaign detailed attempt history reports. As of Sep 20, 2023, the new report creation is unavailable for these reports. The final deprecation is on track for March 20, 2024.

Disable new report creation Disable copy reports Disable edit option Disable run now option Full Deprecation Current type  New type Template # Current report template name New export report name
September 20, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 User Call 13 Interaction details report Interaction export
September 20, 2023 September 20, 2023 February 14, 2024 February 14, 2024 March 20, 2024 Call Call 14 Dialer campaign detailed attempt history Campaign Performance export


What does this mean? 

The report will continue to function between the announcement date and the removal date of each canned report. But Genesys will no longer support the report past its deprecation date. Genesys Cloud will continue to resolve any major breakage until the removal date. 

Am I affected?

If you are using any of the canned reports listed in the above table, then you will be affected.

How can I prepare for the report removal?

  • Gain an understanding of the exports and how they enable flexible reporting for users. For more information, see Export view data.
  • Genesys recommends that you start using the exports functionality as soon as possible. This will ensure that users in your organization have sufficient time to familiarize themselves with report creation using the export capability.

Are there any limitations when using Export capability?

There are no limitations when using the Export capability when compared to the Reports functionality.

The Export enables the users to get the same data provided by the canned reports with added flexibility.

How often can the exports be scheduled?

The Exports can be scheduled depending on the time interval associated with the data that must be exported. For example, to export data from the last hour schedule an hourly export, and to export data from the previous day schedule a daily export. For more information, see  Export view data.

Are there any new rules or best practice guidelines when using exports?

For more information on the best practices, refer to the Export best practices section in the Export view data article.  

How are exports used to reproduce reports?

The following sections explain how to reproduce each report using the export capability within the performance view.

To reproduce the Agent Activity Summary report:

  1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Agent Status.
  2. To run a report with one user, select the user of your choice from the list in the Agent Status Summary view.
    To generate a report for multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
  3. In the Agent Status Detail view, select the following default columns:
    Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Agent Activity Summary report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
    • Log in
    • Log out
    • Logged In
    • Off Queue
    • Off Queue %
    • On Queue
    • On Queue %
    • Interacting
    • Interacting %
    • Idle
    • Idle %
    • Not Responding
    • Not Responding %
    • Total ACD
  4. Open the Export panel.
  5. Select Selected columns.
  6. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user. 
  7. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

To reproduce the Agent Activity Summary Export report:

  1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Agent Status.
  2. To run a report with one user, select the user of your choice from the list in the Agent Status Summary view.
    To generate a report for multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
  3. In the Agent Status Detail view, select the following default columns:
    Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Agent Activity Summary Export report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
    • Log in
    • Logged In
    • Off Queue
    • Off Queue %
    • On Queue
    • On Queue %
    • Interacting
    • Interacting %
    • Idle
    • Idle %
    • Not Responding
    • Not Responding %
    • Total ACD
  4. Open the Export panel.
  5. Select Selected columns.
  6. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user. 
  7. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

To reproduce the Agent Login-Logout Details report:

  1. Navigate to the Agent Status Summary view.
  2. To run a report with one user, select the user of your choice and navigate to the Agent Status Detail view.
    To generate a report on multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view, and click Add to filters.
  3. Select Export and select Agent Log In- Log Out Details. For more information on the data export, see Export data from a view section in the Agents Status Summary view article. The export output has the following columns:
    • Agent Name
    • Log In
    • Log Out
    • Duration

    To reproduce the Agent Metrics Export report:

    1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Agent Performance.
    2. To run a report with one user, select the user of your choice from the list in the Agent Performance Summary view.
      To generate a report for multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
    3. In the Agent Performance Detail view, select the following default columns:
      Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Agent Metrics Export report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
      • Handle
      • Total Talk / Total Hold / Total ACW
      • Avg Talk / Avg Hold / Avg ACW
      • Held
      • Total Handle
      • Avg Handle
      • Transfer
      • Transfer %
    4. To see the ACD vs. Non-ACD distinction, apply the ACD filter in the filter panel.
    5. Open the Export panel.
    6. Select Selected columns.
    7. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user. 
    8. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

    To reproduce the Agent Metrics report:

    1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Agent Performance.
    2. To run a report with one user, select the user of your choice from the list in the Agent Performance Summary view.
      To generate a report for multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
    3. In the Agent Performance Detail view, select the following default columns:
      Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Agent Metrics report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
      • Handle
      • Total Talk / Total Hold / Total ACW
      • Avg Talk / Avg Hold / Avg ACW
      • Held
      • Total Handle
      • Avg Handle
      • Transfer
      • Transfer %
    4. To see the ACD vs. Non-ACD distinction, apply the ACD filter in the filter panel.
    5. Open the Export panel.
    6. Select Selected columns.
    7. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user. 
    8. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

    To reproduce the Agent Quality Details report:

    1. Navigate to the Agent Evaluation Summary view.
    2. Select single or multiple users of your choice.
    3. Open the export panel and select Agent Evaluation Detail.
    4. Choose other options and set your schedule. The export output includes the following columns:
      • Interaction Date/Time
      • Evaluation Date/Time
      • Evaluator
      • Media Type
      • Score
      • Critical Score

        To reproduce the Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History report:

        1. Navigate to the Campaign Performance View.
        2. Select one or more campaigns of your choice.
        3. If multiple campaigns are selected, Select View as group to get the detailed view of the selected campaigns.
        4. Navigate to the Interactions tab of the selected campaigns.
        5. Open the export panel and select Detailed Attempt History.
        6. Choose other options and set your schedule. The export output includes the following columns:
          • Name of the campaign
          • Date of attempt
          • Conversation ID
          • Start time of the attempt
          • Dialing
          • Time to Agent
          • Time to flow
          • Time to abandon
          • Disconnect time
          • Conversation Duration
          • DNIS
          • Caller-ID 
          • Caller-ID Name 
          • Wrap-up code
          • Wrap-up duration
          • Contact ID
          • Contact List 

        To reproduce the Dialer Campaign Success Results by Day report:

        1. Navigate to the Campaign Performance view.
        2. To run a report for a single campaign, select the campaign of your choice and navigate to the Campaign Performance Detail view.
          To generate a report for multiple campaigns, search for and add each campaign to the filters, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Campaign Group Performance Detail view, select the following columns:
          • Dials
          • Contacts
          • Campaign Connect Rate
          • Total Abandon
          • Dial Abandon Rate
          • Contact Abandon Rate
            For more information on the campaign performance view, see the Campaign performance summary view.
        4. To get the data by day, select Schedule export.
        5. Select the desired time period (up to a year) and select the granularity by 1 Day.
          For more information on the export options, see Export view data.

        To reproduce the Dialer Campaign Success Results by Interval report:

        1. Navigate to the Campaign Performance view.
        2. To run a report with a single campaign, select the campaign of your choice and navigate to the Campaign Performance Detail view.
          To generate a report on multiple campaigns, search for and add each campaign to the filters, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Campaign Group Performance Detail view, select the following columns: 
          • Dials
          • Contacts
          • Campaign Connect Rate
          • Total Abandon
          • Dial Abandon Rate
          • Contact Abandon Rate
            For more information on the campaign performance view, see the Campaign performance summary view.
        4. To get the data by interval, select Schedule export.
        5. Select the desired time period (up to a month) and select the granularity by 30 minutes. For more information on the export options, see Export view data.

        To reproduce the Interactions Details report:

        1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Agent Performance.
        2. To run a report with one user, select the user of your choice from the list in the Agent Performance Summary view.
          To generate a report for multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Agent Interactions Details view, select the following default columns:
          Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Interactions Details report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
          • Media Type
          • Users
          • Remote
          • Date
          • Conversation Duration
          • Queue
          • Total Queue
          • Direction
          • Wrap-up
        4. Open the Export panel.
        5. Select Selected columns to export the columns that you set in the view.
        6. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

        To reproduce the Queue Metrics Daily report:

        1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Queue Performance.
        2. To run a report with one queue, select the queue of your choice from the list in the Queue Performance Summary view.
          To generate a report for multiple queues, search for and select each queue in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Queue Performance Details view, select the following default columns:
          Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Queue Metrics Daily report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
          • Offer
          • Answer % / Abandon %
          • Service Level %
          • ASA
          • Avg Talk / Avg Hold / Avg ACW
          • Avg Handle
          • Transfer
          • Transfer %
        4. Open the Export panel.
        5. Select Selected columns.
        6. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user.
        7. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

        To reproduce the Queue Metrics Interval export:

        1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Queue Performance.
        2. To run a report with one queue, select the queue of your choice from the list in the Queue Performance Summary view.
          To generate a report for multiple queues, search for and select each queue in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Queue Performance Details view, select the following default columns:
          Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Queue Metrics Interval export. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
          • Offer
          • Answer % / Abandon %
          • Service Level %
          • ASA
          • Avg Talk / Avg Hold / Avg ACW
          • Avg Handle
          • Transfer
          • Transfer %
        4. Open the Export panel.
        5. Select Selected columns.
        6. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user.
        7. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

        To reproduce the Queue Metrics Interval report:

        1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Queue Performance.
        2. To run a report with one queue, select the queue of your choice from the list in the Queue Performance Summary view.
          To generate a report for multiple queues, search for and select each queue in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Queue Performance Details view, select the following default columns:
          Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Queue Metrics Interval report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
          • Offer
          • Answer % / Abandon %
          • Service Level %
          • ASA
          • Avg Talk / Avg Hold / Avg ACW
          • Avg Handle
          • Transfer
          • Transfer %
        4. Open the Export panel.
        5. Select Selected columns.
        6. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user.
        7. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

        To reproduce the Queue Metrics Summary report:

        1. Navigate to Performance > Workspace > Contact Center and select Queue Performance.
        2. To run a report with one queue, select the queue of your choice from the list in the Queue Performance Summary view.
          To generate a report for multiple queues, search for and select each queue in the summary view list, and click View as Group.
        3. In the Queue Performance Details view, select the following default columns:
          Note: The column list below is a default column list for the Queue Metrics Summary report. You can select different columns based on your business needs.
          • Offer
          • Answer % / Abandon %
          • Service Level %
          • ASA
          • Avg Talk / Avg Hold / Avg ACW
          • Avg Handle
          • Transfer
          • Transfer %
        4. Open the Export panel.
        5. Select Selected columns.
        6. To create a report for multiple users, select Split filters. The report shows data for each user.
        7. Configure additional options according to your needs and set your schedule.  

        To reproduce the Queue Wrap-up Summary report:

        • Navigate to Queue Performance View and click Wrap-Up tab.
        • To export the wrap-up data:

          • Open Export panel.

          • Fill out the required options.

          • Click Export. The export output includes the following columns:

            • % Total Handle

            • % Total Talk Time

            • ACW

            • Avg Handle

            • Avg TalkAvg HoldAvg ACW

            • Handle

            • Hold

            • Max ACW

            • Max Handle

            • Max Hold

            • Max Talk

            • Min ACW

            • Min Handle

            • Min Hold

            • Min Talk

            • Talk

            • Total Handle

            • Total Talk

            • Total Hold

            • Total ACW

            • Wrap-Up

              Note: This data is also available for more than one queue. To get data for multiple queues, select multiple queues on Queue Performance Summary and select View as Group.

          To reproduce the User Status Detail report:

          1. Navigate to Agent Status Summary view.
          2. To run a report with a single user, select the user of your choice and navigate to the Agent Status Detail view.
            To generate a report for multiple users, search for and select each user in the summary view, and click Add to filters.
          3. Select Export and select Agent Status Timeline Details.
            For more information on the export of this data, see Export data from a view section in the Agents Status Summary view article. The export output includes the following columns:
            • Agent Name
            • Division Name
            • Start Time
            • End Time
            • Primary Status
            • Secondary Status
            • Duration

            What if I need help or have questions?

            For more information, see: About views and dashboards

            For other questions not covered in these articles, contact MySupport, Genesys Professional Services, your Customer Success Manager, or your Genesys Cloud TAM.