Create queues

  • Routing > Queue > Add, Edit, Delete, Join, and View
  • Routing > Queue > Readonly
  • Routing > Queue Member Manage
  • Architect > UI > View

The following permissions are required to edit or view prompts in Architect (for whisper audio):

  • Architect > UserPrompt > View
  • Architect > UserPrompt > Edit

The following permission is required for agents to request for after call work when the setting is Agent Requested:

  • Conversations > Settings > View

The following permission is required to edit the default script:

  • Scripter > Published Script > View

The following permission is required to view the SMS numbers on the Message tab:

  • SMS > Phone Number > View

Begin this series by creating queues for voice, chat, message, email, callback, and social expression channels for the entire organization. For information about managing queues, see the Suggested content.

  • An organization can add up to 5000 queues.
  • Membership is limited to 5000 members per queue.
  • You cannot duplicate a queue name. Each queue name must be unique.
  • A queue name cannot contain asterisks.

Create the queue

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Contact Center, click Queues. The Manage Queues page opens.
  3. Click Create Queue
  4. In the Name box, type a name that is unique to the queue. 
  5. In the Peer Id field, type a unique ID that can be used to identify the queue from an external platform. Peer Id is most commonly used to synchronize queues from an external platform in an organization using the Genesys Cloud EX product. For more information, see Genesys Cloud EX.  
    Note: Once created, the peer Id cannot be updated.
  6. Click the Division list and follow these steps:
    Note: If you do not type anything in the search list, the first 10 divisions appear by default.

    1. Begin typing the first few letters of the division in which you want to place the queue.
    2. To locate the required division, scroll through the list of available divisions.
    3. Select the appropriate division from the list.
  7. To copy the configuration and membership from an existing queue, under Copy settings and members from, search for and select an existing queue.
    Note: You can edit the new queue's membership and settings after you copy the existing configuration.
  8. Click Save. The queue configuration opens to the General tab.

    Select the queue’s division

    1. Click the Division list and do one of the following:
      • Begin typing the first few letters of the division in which you want to place the queue.
      • Scroll through the list of available divisions to locate the desired division.
    2. Select the appropriate division from the list.