Configure the Amazon EventBridge integration

After you install Amazon EventBridge, a Genesys Cloud administrator must add and configure the Amazon EventBridge Source integration. Administrators must first add the integration and then configure and activate the newly added integration.

  • Integrations > Integration > All permission (included in the Master Admin role)

Add the integration

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Integrations, click Integrations.
  3. Click Add Integration. 
  4. In the Search box, type EventBridge.
  5. Locate the card titled Amazon EventBridge Source.
  6. Click Install. Details about the integration appear.

    Configure and activate 

    Next, configure and activate the Amazon EventBridge integration:

    1. From the Details tab, accept the default name (Amazon EventBridge Source) or type a different name.
    2. (Optional) Enter notes in the box provided.
    3. Select the Configuration tab.
    4. Connect your partner event source to an event bus.
    5. Enter your 12-digit AWS account ID and the region where the partner event source must be created. For your region, use the hyphenated form such as us-east-1 or us-west-2. For more information, see the list of supported region codes in the AWS documentation.
    6. Provide a unique Event Source Suffix to append to the Event Source in the AWS account. The suffix can be up to a maximum of 64 characters consisting of lower and uppercase letters, numbers, or the characters .-_ (period, dash, or underscore). The suffix gets appended to the partner event source name and helps distinguish it from other Amazon EventBridge integrations.
    7. In Topic Filtering, select the notification topics to send to EventBridge. Enter a list of notification topics that the partner event source must receive. Some examples include: v2.users.{id}.presence, v2.users.{id}.routingStatus, and so on. For a list of all available notification topics, see Available topics in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center.
      Note: Topics do not include parameters, and deliver information for the entire org. Choosing to receive v2.users.{id}.presence events does not require specifying a user ID, such as it does with the Notifications API. You receive all presence notifications for your org. Be careful about the number of notification topics that you select. For each selected topic, all matching events for your entire org are sent to AWS EventBridge to be routed to the target of your choice. Also, if you do not select any notification topics, then no events are sent.
    8. Click Save.
    9. Click the Details tab.
    10. Click the toggle so that the integration is Active.
    11. Click Yes. In approximately five minutes, or after an application reload, a partner event source is automatically created in your AWS account. Genesys Cloud begins to send events immediately upon successful activation.
      Note: You can configure up to 10 Amazon EventBridge integration instances for an organization.

    After configuring and activating the integration in Genesys Cloud, set up rules in the EventBridge console in AWS to route messages from the event source to the intended AWS targets. For more information, see Configure EventBridge to receive events and Getting Started with Amazon EventBridge.

    Modify the integration configuration

    Modifying one of the following attributes on an active integration results in deactivating the integration:

    • AWS account ID
    • AWS region
    • Event source suffix

    Reactivate the integration after modifying the integration configuration. Reactivating the integration deletes the old event source and creates a new event source.

    The topic filters may be changed at any time and this does not cause the integration to be deactivated. Allow up to one minute for any changes to take effect.

    Disable the integration

    After an EventBridge integration is successfully activated, Genesys Cloud begins sending matching events to AWS EventBridge. Events can be temporarily disabled by deactivating the integration. This does not modify the partner event source in any way.

    If the integration is no longer needed, you can delete it. Deleting the integration deletes the partner event source in AWS.

    Common errors

    The following are a few common errors that may appear when you attempt to activate an integration configuration:

    • Invalid AWS Account ID – Indicates that the specified AWS account ID is not a valid 12-digit string.
    • Invalid AWS Region – Indicates that the specified AWS region is not one of the valid EventBridge regions.
    • Event Source suffix must be unique – Indicates that the event source suffix matches a suffix that is already defined on another active EventBridge integration for the org.