Configure a content offer action map

After you publish a content offer, link it to an action map so that your website visitors can see it. The action map defines the conditions that trigger the content offer. You can either create an action map to link the content offer to, or link it to an existing action map. Specify when to activate the content offer and the time period during which to use the content offer. For more information about action maps, see About action maps.

  1. Configure an action map to use a content offer – To present a content offer on your website, configure an action map for it. The action map defines the conditions that trigger the content offer. For more information about creating action maps, see Create an action map.
  2. Select the content offer action
  3. Select a content offer – Select the content offer to use with this action map. For more information about creating a content offer, see Create a content offer.
  4. Configure the activation time and duration – Specify when to present the content offer and the time period during which to present it.
    Activation time
    • Immediately: Present the content offer as soon as a visitor arrives on your website.
    • On return to site: Present the content offer when a visitor returns to your website.
    • Delay: Delay presenting the content offer the specified number of seconds or minutes after a visitor arrives on your website
    • Time range: Time period to present the content offer. To present the offer indefinitely, don’t specify an end date.
  5. Go-live checklist – When you are ready to go live with your content offer, verify the following items: