Co-browse for web chat requirements

Starting January 27, 2025, Genesys will no longer support the Legacy Co-browse for chat and voice functions in Genesys Cloud. Genesys encourages its customers to migrate to the new co-browse for Messenger, which supports web messaging and voice. For more information, see Deprecation: Legacy Co-browse and Screenshare.

Website requirements

Co-browse for web chat does not mirror the following types of content to viewers:

  • Canvas elements
  • Video
  • Flash

Co-browse also does not mirror most ads because of potential security vulnerabilities.

Note: Currently, only web chat widget Version 1.0 supports co-browse. For more information, see Widget feature comparison table.

Agent requirements

Agent requirements are the same as the overall Genesys Cloud requirements.

Sharer requirements

Customers need a web browser to share their view of a webpage with agents. Customers can use any of the listed browsers for any of the listed operating systems.

Genesys recommends the most recently released version of the systems listed. Older versions and pre-release versions may not be supported. 

Operating systems

Any desktop operating system that can install a supported web browser, such as:

  • Mac OS
  • Windows  

Web browsers

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Safari Tech Preview: Next pre-release of Safari, stability not guaranteed
  • Internet Explorer
  • Edge
Note: CSS files need to be publicly accessible for Co-browse. For example, if your customer wants to use Co-browse after a member login or within an intranet, CSS files must be publicly accessible or display issues might occur.