Associate a campaign setting and a campaign schedule with a campaign

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

After you create a campaign setting (required) and create a campaign schedule (optional) in Salesforce, associate the campaign setting and campaign schedule with one or more campaigns in Salesforce. A campaign setting allows you to associate data synced from Genesys Cloud campaigns to Salesforce campaigns. A campaign schedule allows you to control when a campaign runs.

You can associate a campaign setting and a campaign schedule with either a new or existing campaign in Salesforce.

  1. In the top toolbar in Salesforce, click the Campaigns tab.
  2. In the View menu, select All Active Campaigns.
  3. Create a campaign or select an existing campaign.
    Note: Confirm that the campaign page layout is assigned to profiles that you want to be able to see this layout. For more information, see Assign Page Layouts to Profiles or Record Types in the Salesforce documentation.
    • New campaign
      1. Click New Campaign.
      2. Enter a name for Campaign Name.
    • Existing campaign
      1. Click Edit next to a campaign that you want to associate with a campaign setting.
  4. Configure the following fields for either a new or existing campaign in Salesforce:
    1. Select the Start Date.
    2. Select the End Date.
    3. Select the Genesys Cloud Campaign Setting that you want to associate with this campaign.

      For more information, see Create a campaign setting.

    4. (Optional) Select the Time Zone for the location where the campaign runs.

      Time Zone affects Start Time and End Time on the campaign schedule. For more information about Start Time and End Time, see Create a campaign schedule.

      If you do not select a Time Zone, the campaign uses the time zone of your Salesforce organization.

    5. (Optional) Select the Genesys Cloud Campaign Schedule that you want to associate with this campaign.

      For more information, see Create a campaign schedule.

  5. Click Save.

Campaign in Salesforce

After you associate a campaign setting with a new or existing campaign in Salesforce, the integration automatically syncs campaign data from Salesforce to Genesys Cloud. The campaign then appears in the campaign list and schedule in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see Voice campaigns view.

The integration also enables campaigns synced to Genesys Cloud as Always Running. Campaigns with Always Running enabled continue running, even if there are no contacts in Genesys Cloud or campaign members in Salesforce.

Warning: Do not change campaign settings or campaign schedules in Genesys Cloud. Otherwise, campaigns in Salesforce will not behave as expected.

For information about all steps necessary to set up campaign management, see Set up campaign management.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.