Agent Assist Google CCAI overview

  • Genesys Cloud discontinues development and support of the Google Agent Assist offer on January 24, 2024. Customers will still be able to use the feature until the end-of-life (EOL) date on August 31, 2024.
  • Customers who wish to use Google CCAI Agent Assist with Genesys Cloud can utilize the replacement product, AI Connect for Google, which is being developed by the Genesys Innovations Team, and will be available on or before May 31, 2024. For more information, please reach out to
  • This documentation is for Agent Assist Google CCAI. This feature is limited to North America region. For Genesys Agent Assist, which is available worldwide, please refer to the Genesys Agent Assist documentation.

Agent Assist Google CCAI provides the real-time transcription of a customer call and knowledge suggestions that update automatically based on the context of the conversation.

Knowledge suggestions include FAQ or knowledge article recommendations that make agents more efficient and knowledgeable. Agents no longer search for information by themselves and can focus on their discussions with customers. This feature makes them more productive and improves the overall customer experience.

To stream this content to the agents, Agent Assist Google CCAI interfaces with Google Cloud using conversation profiles defined in the Google Cloud Agent Assist Google CCAI console. Your knowledgeable content is stored and indexed in Google Cloud Storage.

What is the Agent Assist Google CCAI with Google Cloud integration?

To enable Agent Assist Google CCAI in Genesys Cloud, you must install the Agent Assist Google CCAI with Google Cloud integration. The integration enables administrators to create agent assistants and assign them to queues. Later, when agents accept calls in Genesys Cloud, they can open the Agent Assist Google CCAI panel. This panel provides a real-time transcription of the call and real-time suggestions including links to your knowledge documents.

 Click the image to enlarge.

Agent Assist Google CCAI displays suggestions in real time.

Provide context

As part of the AI-powered customer journey, Agent Assist Google CCAI can seamlessly transfer a customer conversation from bots to live agents. When the agent joins the conversation, the Agent Assist Google CCAI panel receives the context captured from the earlier portion of the conversation between the customer and the bot. This captured content includes the intents and transcript from the self-service bot interaction.

Real-time voice transcription

Agent Assist Google CCAI displays the real-time transcription of voice interactions to agents. This transcription also triggers real-time suggestions and helps ensure that agents don’t miss any part of the conversation.

Note: During these call segments, WEM voice transcription also generates the transcripts using Google Dialogflow.

Real-time suggestions

Agent Assist Google CCAI empowers agents by providing them with the right content at the right time. The content is based on the context of the live conversation with the customer. A stream of suggestions is automatically served up to the agents. They do not have to perform manual searches for this information. Real-time suggestions allow contact centers to onboard quickly new agents, increase productivity among existing agents, and ensure consistent communication across the entire team.

For more information about the Agent Assist Google CCAI panel, see Work with Agent Assist Google CCAI.

What is the Google Cloud Agent Assist Google CCAI console?

The Google Cloud Agent Assist Google CCAI console helps you to define knowledge bases and conversation profiles that match the needs of your agents. For example, if you have two groups of agents, one handling requests for online purchases, and another one responsible for technical support, they do not address the same questions and, therefore, should use distinct conversation profiles. 

Click the image to enlarge.

For more information about the Agent Assist Google CCAI Cloud Console, see the Google Cloud Agent Assist Google CCAI documentation.

Knowledge bases

A knowledge base is a collection of documents that you upload to Agent Assist Google CCAI. When you create a knowledge base, you select the list of documents previously uploaded in Google Cloud Storage that you want to add this knowledge base. 

You can add two types of knowledge documents to your knowledge bases:

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)—Each FAQ is composed of a question and its matching answer. You can provide FAQs using a .csv file with no header.  If you are looking for a relevant example, refer to the Cloud Storage FAQ document that is uploaded to a publicly shared Cloud Storage bucket.
  • Knowledge articles—These articles are text-based documents for which unstructured text is extracted and used for question answering. For more information about articles and how you can optimize their content, see Best practices: Knowledge documents.

Conversation profiles

Once you created a knowledge base, you can create conversation profiles. Each conversation profile uses one or more knowledge bases and contains a set of parameters that control the suggestions provided to the human agent during a conversation. Genesys Cloud administrators later associate conversation profiles with agent queues in Genesys Cloud.

For further details about the parameters of conversation profiles, see Creating a conversation profile.

How to get started with Agent Assist Google CCAI?

Before your agents can use Agent Assist Google CCAI, you must create a Google Project, store your content in Google Storage, and create conversation profiles in the Google Cloud Agent Assist Google CCAI console. In Genesys Cloud, you must install the Agent Assist Google CCAI with Google Cloud integration, enable it and configure it for your agents.

This procedure is detailed in Get started and configure Agent Assist Google CCAI.

Supported Languages

Agent Assist Google CCAI supports only English US for now, but working to support other languages.