Add an Agent/Score pair variable

Agent scores allow you to specify the priority of preferred agents. If for example, you have agents that you prefer most, set their scores higher, and set backup agents lower. If you don’t have a preference, set the score to 100.

In Architect, to influence routing you can create an agent score pair collection that supports up to 20 agent/score pairs.

Note: You can increase the number of agent/score pairs up to a maximum of 100. To request an increase, contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.
An agent’s score represents the agent’s priority and can be from 0 to 100, with the highest score representing the most preferred agent. If you have agents that you prefer over others, set their score to 100. Set backup agents to 90. If you don’t have a preference, set the score to 100. For example, assume you have a case owner who is the most preferred agent, and you have three additional backup agents. Set the case owner’s score to the maximum of 100, and then set the backup agents to a lower score, such as 90.

To create an individual agent score pair value, use the MakeAgentScorePair function. For example, the following expression in a Transfer to ACD action’s Preferred Agent setting creates an agent score pair collection with two agent score pairs. The first user has a score of 100 and the second has a score of 90:


You can use a MakeListAgentScorePair function that takes a collection of users along with an integer collection of scores to associate with the users. Following that method, this example generates the same value as the previous expression:


To find the user ID of a user, see Edit a user’s profile.

You can also use an Update Data action to assign variables. Then, use those variables to supply individual user values or user collections, an individual integer score or integer collections, and agent score pairs or collections. For more information about the MakeAgentScorePair, MakeListAgentScorePair, MakeList, FindUserById, and other functions, see Architect’s Expression Help feature. Each function provides more details and examples.

Note: If the action encounters an agent score pair collection supplied with more than 20 items, call flows take the Failure output at runtime. If you bind a variable to the errorType failure output, the value contains the “TooManyPreferredAgents” string value. In email, chat, and message flows, Architect implements flow error handling.

Add an agent/score pair variable to a task sequence

In a task sequence, you can add an agent/score pair variable to an Update Data action.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Data category and drag an Update Data action to the desired location in the task.
  2. In the Update Data workspace, add a meaningful name to describe the item.
  3. Click next to Update Statements and select the AgentScorePair data type.
  4. In the Variable Name field, type the label to identify the variable on tasks.
  5. In the Value To Assign field, do one of the following:
    • To set the value using an expression add the expression inline.
    • To set the value using the large expression editor, click to open the Edit Expression Editor and build your expression.
    • To set the value using the Agent Score Pair builder, perform these steps:
      1. Click the Expression modes button to open the Agent Score Pair builder.
      2. Select AgentScorePair Builder
      3. To use the MakeAgentScorePair Architect function to set the value, click AgentScorePair and click Make AgentScorePair.
      4. Under User, enter the agent.
        Note: If you select a literal user, system uses the FindUserById function with the user’s id at runtime. If the system does not find the user, it returns a NOT_SET AgentScorePair value.
      5. Under Score, enter the numerical score.
  6. (Optional) To add another variable, click next to Update Statements.