About co-browse

Starting January 27, 2025, Genesys will no longer support the Legacy Co-browse for chat and voice functions in Genesys Cloud. Genesys encourages its customers to migrate to the new co-browse for Messenger, which supports web messaging and voice. For more information, see Deprecation: Legacy Co-browse and Screenshare.
Co-browse allows your agents to see and interact with a customer’s view of your website. Genesys Cloud supports co-browse for Messenger (web messaging, voice) and web chat.

Co-browse for Messenger

With co-browse for Messenger, administrators configure Messenger to enable website visitors to share screens from your website with your agents over web messaging or voice interactions. Learn how to set up and use co-browse for Messenger.

Co-browse for web chat

With co-browse for web chat, administrators use a deployment key with the co-browse API to enable website visitors to share screens from your website with your agents. Learn how to set up and use co-browse for web chat.