Region availability

When a feature or service is released, it is usually available in all regions according to the Genesys Cloud feature release schedule. In some cases, however, a service, feature, or a specific capability of a feature may be unavailable in one or more regions. For more information about Genesys Cloud releases, see Release notes.

Region Availability status Announced on Release note
EMEA (Zurich)

Agent Copilot partial availability. Agent Copilot is partially available in the EMEA (Zurich) region. Features that are supported include Knowledge Surfacing, Intent Based NBA, and Summarization.

Advanced features such as Answer Highlight, RAG and advanced summarization require GPU processors from AWS. AWS has not provided full support for GPU processing in the EMEA (Zurich) region.

For information about Agent Copilot language support, please see the Agent Copilot section in the Genesys Cloud supported languages article.  

2024-10-21   – 
EMEA (Zurich)

Virtual Agent partial availability. Virtual Agent features, including Summarization and AI Intent Generation, are available in all regions except for the Answer Highlight and RAG features, which are not yet available in the EMEA (Zurich) region.


October 28, 2024

December 2, 2024

Region Availability status Announced on Release note
Asia Pacific (Osaka)

Cloudfront delivery of content and domains for the firewall allowlist partial availability. Elimination of the s3 domain allowlist and Cloudfront delivery of all content is not yet available in the ap-northeast-3 region. Organizations in this region are advised to delay any changes to their their firewall settings until full availability, which is expected in the coming weeks. For more information, see the Amazon AWS section in the Domains for the firewall allowlist article.

2024-11-1 November 1, 2024
EMEA (Zurich)

Agent Copilot partial availability. Agent Copilot is partially available in the EMEA (Zurich) region. Features that are supported include Knowledge Surfacing, Intent Based NBA, and Summarization.

Advanced features such as Answer Highlight, RAG and advanced summarization require GPU processors from AWS. AWS has not provided full support for GPU processing in the EMEA (Zurich) region.

For information about Agent Copilot language support, please see the Agent Copilot section in the Genesys Cloud supported languages article.  

2024-10-21   – 
Middle East (UAE)

Cloudfront delivery of content and domains for the firewall allowlist partial availability. Elimination of the *s3 domain allowlist and Cloudfront delivery of all content is not yet available in the me-central-1 region. Organizations in this region are advised to delay any changes to their their firewall settings until full availability, which is expected in the coming weeks. For more information, see the Amazon AWS section in the Domains for the firewall allowlist article.

2024-11-1 November 1, 2024

No regional limitations.

No past satellite regional availability notices.