Manage third-party knowledge base activity

The Activity tab displays information from the last 30 days about import, export, and sync operations between the third-party source and Genesys Cloud, including these metrics:

  • Date: The date and time, including seconds, of the most recent activity
  • Type: FAQ import, export, or sync
  • Status: Completed or failed
  • Created by: The user who initiated the activity
  • Source: The third-party connector source

Click the image to enlarge.

Knowledge Sources Activity page

When you click an activity row, the sync and export information details about the operation appear. You can export the .csv or .json file, view and download error reports, and review a summary of the sync activity.

  • Aborted: The user who initiated the sync stopped the activity after they initiated it.
  • Completed: The activity concluded successfully.
  • In Progress: The activity is currently in progress.
  • Incomplete: The user abandoned the activity.
  • Failed: The operation was unsuccessful. 
  • Partially complete: The activity did not fully complete due to an unknown error.

When you select activities with a Completed status, then the Details view shows the user who initiated the sync, the third-party connector source, the date and time of the activity, a Completed status, a link to download the .csv or .json file, and a summary of the export.

When you select activities with any other status, the Details view shows the user who initiated the sync, third-party connector source if applicable, the date and time of the activity, the current activity status, a link to download the .csv or .json file, summary and details, and a link to download the error report when applicable.

Example: Successful activity sync

Click the image to enlarge. Successful activity sync

Example: Failed activity sync

Click the image to enlarge.

Failed sync knowledge connector

View and manage third-party knowledge base activity

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Knowledge, click Sources. The Sources view opens.
  3. Click the Knowledge Base list and choose the knowledge base in which you want to view source activity.
  4. To view all source activity, follow these steps:
    1. Click the Activity tab.
    2. To narrow the list of activities, click Filter and select to filter by date, status, type, created by, or source.
    3. To view details about an activity from a specific date, click the appropriate row. Depending on the activity type, the Sync Details or Export Details dialog opens.
    4. To export the sync file, click the .csv or .json link.
    5. When applicable, to export a copy of sync errors, click Download Error Report.
    6. To close the dialog box, click Close .
  5. To view activity for a particular third-party source, perform these steps:
    1. Next to the source that you want to view, click More .
    2. From the menu that appears, click Activity.
    3. To narrow the list of activities, click Filter and select to filter by date, status, or type.
    4. To view details about an activity from a specific date, click the appropriate row. Depending on the activity type, the Sync Details or Export Details dialog opens.
    5. To add or remove third-party source activity, click Source.
    6. To export the sync file, click the .csv or .json link.
    7. When applicable, to export a copy of sync errors, click Download Error Report.
    8. To close the dialog box, click Close .
  6. To refresh the view, click Refresh .