Browse and select an alternative shift to trade for agents

  • For agents to participate in shift trades: Workforce Management > Agent Shift Trade Request > Participate permission
  • For agents to submit alternative shift trades: Workforce Management > Agent Alternative Shift > Submit permission

You can browse shifts for a specific week and optionally choose to trade for a shift. For more information about browsing and selecting shifts to trade, see Browse and select shifts to trade. To browse and select an alternative shift to trade, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Shift Trades panel. For more information, see Navigate the Shift Trades panel.
  2. Next to New Trade, click .
  3. Click Browse Shifts.
  4. Choose the day that you want to work. From the list of available shifts, if any alternative shifts are available to you, then details about the shifts appear.
  5. Choose one of the alternative shifts. 
  6. Click Select. Shifts that are suitable to trade with the selected alternative shift appear. Choose a shift to trade away.
  7. Click Finalize Trade.

Within a few minutes, workforce management automatically reviews your trade. Check the inbox notification when the trade is approved or denied. If your trade is denied, your supervisor can still intervene and approve it. After your trade is approved, your schedule is updated accordingly.