Allow evaluation disputes


The following permission:

  • Quality > Evaluation Form > Edit or Quality > Evaluation Form > Add (for configuring disputes in Copy Evaluation mode only

For more information, see Quality management roles and permissions.

To enable agents and supervisors to dispute an evaluation, you must enable the Allow Disputes option in your configured evaluation form.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Quality, click Evaluation Forms.
  3. Select the evaluation form that you want to edit.
  4. On the right side of the editor, click the Settings tab.
  5. Under Disputes, toggle Allow disputes to Enabled.
  6. Set the maximum number of disputes allowed. Users cannot dispute an evaluation after the maximum number of disputes has been reached.
    Options available under Disputes settings
  7. The quality admin must set how Genesys Cloud assigns the evaluation each time a user disputes the evaluation.
    1. Assign to original evaluator – Genesys Cloud assigns the evaluation to the original evaluator. The selected individual receives an inbox notification and an assigned scorable evaluation.
    2. Assign to individual – Specify an evaluator to whom Genesys Cloud assigns the evaluation. The selected individual receives an inbox notification and an assigned scorable evaluation.
    3. Leave unassigned – Genesys Cloud does not assign the evaluation automatically. In this case, set up Process Automation to designate the assignee.

  • The dispute timeframe per evaluation defines how many days the evaluator has to review the dispute. Currently the timeframe is 45 days.
  • The maximum number of disputes allowed for an evaluation is 5. 
  • For more information, see Manage disputed evaluations.