Data action returns a 500 error

Note: This article applies to the web services data action integration.

The data action returns a 500 error for connection reset failure. The request fails with an error similar to the following:

 "message": "The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.",
 "code": "internal.server.error",
 "status": 500,
 "messageParams": {},
 "contextId": "5565f1f0-48d7-40ea-bfc9-b5ab51fee914",
 "details": [
 "errors": [
 "message": "REST call for action execute failed. Message: Connection reset [5565f1f0-48d7-40ea-bfc9-b5ab51fee914]",
 "status": 500,
 "messageParams": {},
 "details": [],
 "errors": []

In this error, the endpoint indicates the reuse of connections, but some part of the network closed the connection without notification. 


You can either select to leave the connection open or close the connection:

  • Open – Reconfigure the endpoint network to leave the connection open.
  • Close – Add a Connection header to the request configuration with close as the value. The data action does not attempt to reuse the connection and hence it can increase the latency to establish a new connection for every data action execution to the remote endpoint.

For more information about the integration, see About the web services data actions integration, Test data actions, and Add configuration to custom actions.