Event-related tags

Feature deprecation: Genesys will no longer support ACD Web Chat v2, which is available to customers via all its corresponding Chat Widget versions. This is further to the deprecation of ACD Web Chat v1, which was announced earlier. As a result, Predictive Engagement will also end support for these legacy web chat versions. For more information, see Deprecation: Removal of ACD Web Chat (version 2).

All existing customers are encouraged to migrate to Web Messaging and Messenger.

Offer a chat when a visitor clicks a section on a page

This section only applies to customers using web chat. If you are a Genesys Cloud CX customer using web messaging, see Present a messaging offer when a visitor clicks a section on a page.

Use the following tag to trigger an action map to offer a chat to a visitor when the visitor opens the “Contact Us” section of a page. The visitor’s action indicates that the visitor is very likely to call the contact center.


console.log('[Predictive Engagement] Contact Us Section v0.2');ac('dom', 'ready', function () {  setTimeout(function(){  $('div.spl-accordion-heading').on('click', function() {      const sectionTitle = $(this).text().trim();      ac('record', 'section_opened', 'Contact Us Section', {        sectionTitle: sectionTitle      });  });  }, 1500);});

Present a messaging offer when a visitor clicks a section on a page

This section only applies to Genesys cloud customers using web messaging. If you are using web chat, see Offer a chat when a visitor clicks a section on a page.


console.log('[Predictive Engagement] Contact Us Section v0.2');Genesys("subscribe", "Journey.ready", function(){  setTimeout(function(){  $('div.spl-accordion-heading').on('click', function() {      const sectionTitle = $(this).text().trim();           Genesys("command", "Journey.record", { eventName: "section_opened", customAttributes: { sectionTitle: "Contact Us Section"             }  });       });  }, 1500);});