Sharing files

What it means to share a file

When you share a file, you obtain a link to that file that you can send to other people. You can send the share link to whomever you want and with whatever tool you like.

For example, use the chat feature to send the link to other members of your organization. Or, use your email account to send the link to your business associates. You can even use social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to share the link with your extended network of friends and associates.

When you share a file, everyone who receives the share link or who views the file in their workspace sees the same copy of the file. If the file is updated, everyone who received the shared file sees the updated version. The share link automatically goes to the updated version of the file.

Who can receive shared files 

You can share any file from your My workspace or group workspace with anyone. You can share files with people who are in your Genesys Cloud organization as well people who are not Genesys Cloud users.

Types of sharing

When you share a file, you get a link that you can distribute. You can do either of the following:

  • Share a file with the public. You can distribute the link to any person, including people who do not have a Genesys Cloud account.
    Note: Because the link is public, the recipients of the link can forward it to anyone. Anyone who has the link can click the link and see the file.
  • Share a file with specific people. Only the people that you select can click the link and see the file.
    Tip: You can share a file with a Genesys Cloud Directory group. After you share the file, any member of the group can access it. If new members are added to the group later, then they can also access the file.
  • Fax a file from your Documents repository.  

How you can see when a file was shared

If you want to see the details about a file’s share history, you can view the audit trail for the file.

Sharing is safe

Sharing in Genesys Cloud is secure. The person who receives the share link can download the file to their local computer. However, that person cannot modify the source file in your workspace.

Tip: You can also easily reference the document using the URL, which Genesys Cloud generates when you share a file.

What about copyrighted material 

Share only material that you have the legal right to share or that you created. If you aren’t sure whether you should share something, don’t share it. For more information about the Genesys copyright policy, see Notice and policies regarding copyright infringement.

How you share files

For more information about how to share files within Documents, see Share a file.

For more information about how to share files while you’re chatting, see Send a chat message.

Unsharing files

You can unshare a file at any time. For more information about how to unshare files, see Share a file.