SMS delivery receipts

When you send SMS messages, you can track the delivery status information in Analytics by adding the column Delivery Status to your Interactions View. For more information, see Interactions view.

Receipt code Description
ACCEPTED The carrier has accepted the message.
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Connection issue with provider.
CARRIER_CONGESTED The carrier has rejected the message because of congestion.
CARRIER_DELIVERY_FAILED Unknown error on the carrier network.
DEFAULT Encountered an unmapped carrier status.
DELIVERED The carrier confirmed that the message was delivered.
DEST_ADDR_COUNTRY_INVALID MMS message cannot be delivered to the destination country.
DEST_ADDR_INVALID The destination is not a valid mobile phone number.
DEST_ADDR_IS_LANDLINE The destination number is a land line.
ENROUTE The carrier has accepted the message.
EXPIRED The carrier could not deliver the message before it timed out.
FLOW_CONTROL_TIMEOUT The carrier has rejected the message because we are sending too fast.
FORWARDED The carrier has accepted the message.
MESSAGE_DATA_INVALID The carrier has rejected the message because it was invalid.
MESSAGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED The carrier does not support this type of message.
NETWORK_TIMEOUT Timed out waiting for a delivery receipt.
OTHER_PERMANENT_FAILURE Encountered a permanent failure with no further detail.
OTHER_TEMPORARY_FAILURE Encountered a temporary failure with no further detail.
PROCESSING The carrier has accepted the message.
QUEUED The carrier has accepted the message.
RECIPIENT_BUSY The subscriber’s device is busy.
RECIPIENT_FLOODED The message is rejected due to the number of identical messages sent to a single number.
RECIPIENT_OPTED_OUT The recipient has opted out.
RECIPIENT_BLOCKLISTED The recipient has opted out.
RECIPIENT_HANDSET_FAILURE Carrier was unable to deliver to recipient’s handset.
RECIPIENT_HANDSET_TEMP_FAILURE Carrier was unable to deliver to recipient’s handset.
RECIPIENT_TEMP_FAILURE Carrier was unable to deliver to recipient’s handset.
REJECTED The carrier has rejected the message.
REJECTED_FILTERED The message was filtered by the carrier for going against guidelines.
REJECTED_SPAM_MESSAGE The message was filtered by the carrier for going against guidelines.
REQUEST_INVALID The carrier has rejected the message because it was invalid.
SENT The carrier has accepted the message.
SHORT_CODE_SOURCE_ADDR_NOT_ALLOWED Messaging on this shortcode is not allowed.
SOURCE_ADDR_DENIED Messaging forbidden on this sender id.
SOURCE_ADDR_INVALID The carrier has rejected the message as invalid source address (sender id).
THROTTLED The carrier has rejected the message because we are sending too fast.
UNDELIVERABLE Carrier was unable to deliver to recipient’s handset.
UNKNOWN Encountered an unmapped carrier status.
UNKNOWN_FAILURE Encountered an unmapped carrier status.
UNREACHABLE The carrier has defined the recipient as unreachable.
UNREACHABLE_CARRIER Delivery to the recipient’s carrier is not supported.
UNREACHABLE_COUNTRY Message cannot be delivered to the destination country.
RECIPIENT_OVER_SMS_LIMIT The recipient’s device is unable to receive messages due to limits.
UNREACHABLE_DESTINATION The carrier has defined the recipient as unreachable.
DELETED_MESSAGE The carrier could not deliver the message.